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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { ReactDOMServer } from "./deps.ts";import { handleJSXPage } from "./page.ts";import { response } from "./response.ts";import { handleStaticFile } from "./static.ts";import { HandlerArgument, Next, Route, SSRHandler, StringHandler,} from "./types.ts";
export function createHandler( routes: Array<Route>, staticUrl: string, staticFolder: string, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any cache: any, pages: Array<SSRHandler>,) { return function (req: Request) { const id = req.method + "-" + req.url; let handler: HandlerArgument | undefined = undefined;
if (pages.length > 0) { return handlePages(cache, id, pages, req, staticUrl, staticFolder); }
if (cache[id]) handler = cache[id]; else { const route = routes.find((route) => { let pattern: URLPattern | null = new URLPattern({ pathname: route.path, }); const match = pattern.exec(req.url); pattern = null; return (match && (route.method === req.method)); });
handler = route?.handler; }
if (!handler) { return handleStaticFile(staticUrl, req.url, staticFolder); }
cache[id] = handler; const res = response(req); const next: Next | undefined = undefined; const stringHandler = <StringHandler> <unknown> handler; const result = stringHandler(req, res, next);
if (isString(result)) { return new Response(result); }
if (isHTML(result)) { return <Response> <unknown> result; }
if (isJSX(result)) { return render(<JSX.Element> <unknown> result); }
const [isJson, object] = isJSON(result); if (isJson) { const headers = new Headers(); headers.set("content-type", "application/json"); return new Response(<string> object, { headers }); }
return handler(req, res, next); };}
/** * @param cache * @param id * @param pages * @param req * @param staticUrl * @param staticFolder * @returns */function handlePages( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any cache: any, id: string, pages: Array<SSRHandler>, req: Request, staticUrl: string, staticFolder: string,) { let page: SSRHandler | undefined = undefined;
const pageId = "page-" + id; if (cache[pageId]) { page = cache[pageId] === "non-page" ? undefined : cache[pageId]; } else { const p = pages.find((page) => { let pattern: URLPattern | null = new URLPattern({ pathname: page.path, }); const match = pattern.exec(req.url); pattern = null; return (match); }); cache[pageId] = p ? p : "non-page"; page = p; }
if (!page) { return handleStaticFile(staticUrl, req.url, staticFolder); }
return handleJSXPage(page, req);}
function isString(stringResult: unknown) { const str = <string> stringResult; try { return (str.includes != undefined && str.replaceAll != undefined); } catch (_error) { throw new Error(`Handler return void`); }}
function isHTML(element: unknown) { return element instanceof Response;}
function isJSON(element: unknown) { if (element instanceof Promise) return [false, ""]; let stringify; let str = ""; try { str = <string> element; stringify = JSON.stringify(str); JSON.parse(stringify); } catch (_err) { return [false, ""]; } return [true, stringify];}
function isJSX(element: unknown) { const el = <JSX.Element> element; return el.props != undefined && el.type != undefined;}
function render(element: JSX.Element) { const component = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(element); return new Response(component, { headers: { "content-type": "text/html", }, });}