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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport * as esbuild from "";import { denoPlugin } from "";import { React, ReactDOMServer } from "./deps.ts";import { isJSX } from "./handler.ts";import { JSXHandler, RenderOptions, SSR } from "./types.ts";
function createHydrate(rootComponent: string, rootTSX: string) { return `import React from "";import { createRoot } from "";import ${rootComponent} from "./${rootTSX}.tsx";const props = window.__INITIAL_STATE__ || {};const container = document.getElementById("root");const root = createRoot(container);root.render(<${rootComponent} {...props} />);`;}
function createMeta(meta: string) { return `<meta ${meta} /> `;}
function createScript(script: string) { return `<script ${script}></script>`;}
function createLink(link: string) { return `<link ${link} />`;}
function createStyle(style: string) { return `<style>${style}</style>`;}
export function render(el: JSX.Element | JSXHandler): SSR { let element: JSX.Element; let status: 200; let html: string; let dir = "./pages"; let cdn = "/public"; let title: string; let bundleName: string; const scriptInstance: string[] = []; const styleInstance: string[] = []; const linkInstance: string[] = []; const metaInstance: string[] = []; let props: any;
if (isJSX(el)) { const jsxElement = <JSX.Element> el; bundleName =; element = jsxElement; } else { const jsxElement = <JSXHandler> el; bundleName =; element = React.createElement(jsxElement); }
/** * @param bundle * @param rootComponent * @param rootTSX */ function createBundle( bundle?: string, rootComponent?: string, rootTSX?: string, ) { const b = bundle ? bundle : "bundle"; const hydrateTarget = `${dir}/${rootTSX}.hydrate.tsx`; const bundlePath = `./public/${b}.js`;
try { if (!rootComponent) rootComponent = "App"; if (!rootTSX) rootTSX = "app"; Deno.writeTextFile( hydrateTarget, createHydrate(rootComponent, rootTSX), ); } catch (err) { console.error(err); throw err; }{ plugins: [denoPlugin()], entryPoints: [hydrateTarget], outfile: bundlePath, bundle: true, minify: true, format: "esm", }).then(() => { Deno.remove(hydrateTarget); }); }
function createHTML( element: JSX.Element, options: RenderOptions, initialData: any, ) { const props = initialData ? `<script>window.__INITIAL_STATE__ = ${ JSON.stringify(initialData) };</script>` : ""; const component = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(element); const title = options.title ? options.title : ""; const link = ? : ""; const meta = options.meta ? options.meta : ""; const script = options.script ? options.script : ""; const style = ? : ""; const bundle = options.bundle ? options.bundle : "bundle"; return `<!DOCTYPE html><html><head>${title}${link}${meta}${style}${props}</head><body><div id="root">${component}</div><script type="module" src="${cdn}/${bundle}.js"></script>${script}<body></html>`; }
const instance = { dir: (d: string) => { dir = d; return instance; }, title: (t: string) => { title = `<title>${t}</title>`; return instance; }, script: (s: string) => { const script = createScript(s); const found = scriptInstance.find((v) => { return v === script; }); if (found) return instance; scriptInstance.push(script); return instance; }, meta: (m: string) => { const meta = createMeta(m); const found = metaInstance.find((v) => { return v === meta; }); if (found) return instance; metaInstance.push(meta); return instance; }, style: (s: string) => { const style = createStyle(s); const found = styleInstance.find((v) => { return v === style; }); if (found) return instance; styleInstance.push(style); return instance; }, link: (l: string) => { const link = createLink(l); const found = linkInstance.find((v) => { return v === link; }); if (found) return instance; linkInstance.push(link); return instance; }, cdn: (path: string) => { cdn = path; return instance; }, props: (p: any) => { props = p; return instance; }, render: () => { const bundle = bundleName; const meta = metaInstance.length > 0 ? metaInstance.join("") : ""; const script = scriptInstance.length > 0 ? scriptInstance.join("") : ""; const link = linkInstance.length > 0 ? linkInstance.join("") : ""; const style = styleInstance.length > 0 ? styleInstance.join("") : ""; const opt = { title, meta, script, link, style, bundle, }; html = createHTML(element, opt, props); return new Response(html, { status, headers: { "content-type": "text/html", }, }); }, bundle: (name: string) => { bundleName = name; return instance; }, _createBundle: createBundle, _getBundleName: () => bundleName, };
return instance;}