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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import application from "../server/mod.ts";
const app = application();
type MyData = { key: string; value: string; status: boolean;};
// set data from containerapp.set("key1", "value1") // set data with custom type .set<MyData>("myData", { key: "myData", value: "ok", status: true }) // set data with expired time .set("expired", "the expired data", { isExpired: true, expirySeconds: 5 }) .get("/", (req, res) => { // you can also set data from handler req.set("new", "data from handler"); return res.json({ // access data from handler val: req.get("key1"), expired: req.get("expired"), }); }) .get("/my-data", (req, res) => { return res.json({ new: req.get("new"), // get data with custom type myData: req.get<MyData>("myData"), expired: req.get("expired"), }); });
await app.serve();