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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { CACHE, DELETE, GET, OPTIONS, PATCH, POST, PUT } from "./constant.ts";import { createContainer } from "./container.ts";import { ServeInit, Server } from "./deps.ts";import { createHandler } from "./handler.ts";import { Fastro, HandlerArgument, MiddlewareArgument, Route, RouteMidleware, SetOptions, SSR, SSRHandler, StartOptions,} from "./types.ts";
export function fastro(_startOptions?: StartOptions): Fastro { const routes: Array<Route> = []; const pages: Array<SSRHandler> = []; const middlewares: Array<MiddlewareArgument> = []; const patterns: Record<string, URLPattern> = {}; const ac = new AbortController(); let staticURL = "/public"; let flash = true; let server: Server; let build = true; let maxAge: number; const container = createContainer(); const routeMiddlewares: Array<RouteMidleware> = [];
function push( method: string, path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument> ) { if (handler.length === 1) return pushHandler(method, path, handler[0]); pushHandler(method, path, handler[handler.length - 1]); for (let index = 0; index < handler.length - 1; index++) { pushMiddleware(method, path, <MiddlewareArgument> handler[index]); } return app; }
function pushMiddleware( method: string, path: string, handler: MiddlewareArgument, ) { routeMiddlewares.push({ method, path, handler }); return app; }
function pushHandler( method: string, path: string, handler: HandlerArgument, ) { const r = { method, path, handler }; const res = routes.find((val) => (val === r)); if (!res) { routes.push(r); patterns[path] = new URLPattern({ pathname: path, }); } return app; }
const app = { serve: (serveOptions: ServeInit) => { const hostname = serveOptions?.hostname || ""; const port = serveOptions?.port || 9000;
if (build) { for (const p of pages) { const rootComponent = `App`; const bundle = p.ssr._getBundleName(); const rootTSX = bundle; p.ssr._createBundle(bundle, rootComponent, rootTSX); } }
container.set(CACHE, {}); const handler = createHandler( middlewares, routeMiddlewares, routes, patterns, pages, staticURL, container, maxAge, );
if (flash) { return Deno.serve({ hostname, port, handler, onListen: serveOptions?.onListen, onError: serveOptions?.onError, signal: ac.signal, }); }
server = new Server({ onError: serveOptions?.onError, hostname: hostname, port, handler, });
const baseUrl = `http://${hostname}:${port}`; console.log(`Listen on ${baseUrl}/`); return server.listenAndServe(); }, static: (path: string, m?: number) => { maxAge = m ? m : 0; staticURL = path; return app; }, close: () => { container.clearInterval(); if (flash) return ac.abort(); return server.close(); }, use: (...middleware: Array<MiddlewareArgument>) => { middleware.forEach((m) => { middlewares.push(m); }); return app; }, get: (path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) => { return push(GET, path, ...handler); }, post: (path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) => { return push(POST, path, ...handler); }, put: (path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) => { return push(PUT, path, ...handler); }, delete: (path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) => { return push(DELETE, path, ...handler); }, patch: (path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) => { return push(PATCH, path, ...handler); }, options: (path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>) => { return push(OPTIONS, path, ...handler); }, set: <T>(key: string, value: T, options?: SetOptions) => { container.set(key, value, options); return app; }, page: ( path: string, ssr: SSR, handler: HandlerArgument, ) => { pages.push({ path, ssr, handler }); patterns[path] = new URLPattern({ pathname: path, }); return app; }, flash: (f: boolean) => { flash = f; return app; }, build: (b: boolean) => { build = b; return app; }, container: container, }; return app;}