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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import Hello from "../pages/hello.tsx";import { assertEquals, assertExists, Status, STATUS_TEXT } from "./deps.ts";import { fastro } from "./server.ts";import { createSSR } from "./ssr.ts";import { HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Next } from "./types.ts";
const host = "http://localhost:9000";
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function getMethod() { const app = fastro(); app.get("/", () => new Response("GET"));"/", () => "hello"); app.delete("/", () => ({ txt: "hello" })); app.put("/", () => []); app.set("key", {});
const server = app.serve({ onError: (err) => new Response(<string> err), onListen: (val) => console.log(val.hostname), });
assertEquals(app.container.get("key"), {});
let response = await fetch(host, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "GET");
response = await fetch(host, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "GET");
response = await fetch(host, { method: "POST" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "hello");
response = await fetch(host, { method: "DELETE" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), '{"txt":"hello"}');
app.close(); await server;});
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function postMethod() { const app = fastro();"/", () => new Response("POST")); const server = app.serve(); const response = await fetch(host, { method: "POST" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "POST"); app.close(); await server;});
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function putMethod() { const app = fastro(); app.put("/", () => new Response("PUT")); const server = app.serve(); const response = await fetch(host, { method: "PUT" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "PUT"); app.close(); await server;});
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function deleteMethod() { const app = fastro(); app.delete("/", () => new Response("DELETE")); const server = app.serve(); const response = await fetch(host, { method: "DELETE" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "DELETE"); app.close(); await server;});
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function patchMethod() { const app = fastro(); app.patch("/", () => new Response("PATCH")); const server = app.serve(); const response = await fetch(host, { method: "PATCH" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "PATCH"); app.close(); await server;});
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function optionsMethod() { const app = fastro(); app.flash(false); app.options("/", () => new Response("OPTIONS")); const server = app.serve({ port: 9000, onError: (err) => new Response(<string> err), }); const response = await fetch(host, { method: "OPTIONS" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), "OPTIONS"); app.close(); await server;});
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function headMethod() { const app = fastro(); app.head("/", () => new Response("HEAD")); const server = app.serve(); const response = await fetch(host, { method: "HEAD" }); assertEquals(await response.text(), ""); app.close(); await server;});
Deno.test({ name: "page", fn: async () => { const f = fastro(); const hello = createSSR(Hello);; f.flash(true); f.static("/public", 5) .page("/", hello, (_req: HttpRequest, res: HttpResponse) => { return res.ssr(hello) .title(`Hello`) .render(); });
const server = f.serve();
let response = await fetch(host, { method: "GET" }); let r = await response.text(); assertExists(r, "Hello");
response = await fetch(host, { method: "GET" }); r = await response.text(); assertExists(r, "Hello");
response = await fetch(host + "/public/hello.js", { method: "GET" }); r = await response.text(); assertExists(r, "@license Reactllo");
response = await fetch(host + "/public/hello.js", { method: "GET" }); r = await response.text(); assertExists(r, "@license Reactllo");
const notfoundres = await fetch(host + "/public/notfound.js", { method: "GET", }); const notfound = await notfoundres.text(); assertExists(notfound, "Not Found");
f.close(); await server; },
sanitizeResources: false, sanitizeOps: false,});
Deno.test({ name: "static", fn: async () => { const f = fastro(); f.static("/"); const server = f.serve(); const response = await fetch(host + "/public/hello.js", { method: "GET" }); const r = await response.text(); assertEquals(r, "Not Found"); f.close(); await server; },
sanitizeResources: false, sanitizeOps: false,});
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function middleware() { const app = fastro(); app.get( "/", (_req: HttpRequest, _res: HttpResponse, next: Next) => { next(); }, (_req: HttpRequest, _res: HttpResponse, next: Next) => { next("error"); }, (_req: HttpRequest, res: HttpResponse, _next: Next) => res.send("GET"), () => "Hello world", ); app.use( (_req, _res, next) => { next("error"); }, (req, res, next) => { if (req.method === "POST") { return res .status(Status.Forbidden) .json({ status: Status.Forbidden, text: STATUS_TEXT[Status.Forbidden], }); } next(); }, );
const server = app.serve();
let response = await fetch(host, { method: "POST" }); let r = await response.text(); assertEquals(r, `{"status":403,"text":"Forbidden"}`);
response = await fetch(host, { method: "GET" }); r = await response.text(); assertEquals(r, `GET`);
app.close(); await server;});
Deno.test({ permissions: { net: true } }, async function params() { const app = fastro(); app.get("/:user", (req: HttpRequest, res: HttpResponse) => { const r = req.match?.pathname.groups; if (!r) return res.send("not found"); const { user } = r; return res.send(user); }); const server = app.serve(); const response = await fetch(`${host}/agus`, { method: "GET" }); const r = await response.text(); assertEquals(r, "agus"); app.close(); await server;});