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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { CACHE, NONPAGE } from "./constant.ts";import { ReactDOMServer } from "./deps.ts";import { handleJSXPage } from "./page.ts";import { response } from "./response.ts";import { handleStaticFile } from "./static.ts";import { Container, ExecHandler, HandlerArgument, HttpRequest, MiddlewareArgument, RequestHandler, Route, RouteMidleware, Row, SetOptions, SSRHandler,} from "./types.ts";
export function createHandler( middlewares: Array<MiddlewareArgument>, routeMiddlewares: Array<RouteMidleware>, routes: Array<Route>, patterns: Record<string, URLPattern>, pages: Array<SSRHandler>, staticURL: string, container: Container, maxAge: number,) { let cache: Row = {}; return function (r: Request) { cache = <Row> container.get(CACHE); let handler: HandlerArgument | undefined = undefined; if (middlewares.length > 0) { handler = handleMiddleware(r, middlewares); if (handler) { const h = <RequestHandler> handler; return h(transformRequest(r, container, null), response(r)); } } return handleRoutes(r); };
function handlePages(r: Request, id: string) { let page: SSRHandler | undefined | null = undefined; let match: URLPatternResult | null = null; const pageId = `page-${id}`; const matchId = `match-${pageId}`;
if (cache[pageId]) { page = cache[pageId] === NONPAGE ? undefined : cache[pageId]; if (cache[matchId]) match = cache[matchId]; } else { const p = pages.find((page) => { const m = patterns[page.path].exec(r.url); if (m) { match = m; cache[matchId] = m; return (m); } }); cache[pageId] = p ? p : NONPAGE; page = p; }
if (!page) { return handleStaticFile(r.url, staticURL, maxAge); }
return handleJSXPage( page, transformRequest(r, container, match), container, ); }
function handleRoutes(r: Request) { const id = `${r.method}-${r.url}`; const paramId = `param-${id}`; let handler: HandlerArgument | undefined | null = undefined; let match: URLPatternResult | null = null;
if (cache[id]) { handler = cache[id]; if (cache[paramId]) match = cache[paramId]; } else { for (let index = 0; index < routes.length; index++) { const route = routes[index]; const m = patterns[route.path].exec(r.url); if (m && (route.method === r.method)) { handler = route?.handler; match = m; cache[id] = handler; cache[paramId] = match; } } }
if (!handler) return handlePages(r, id);
if (routeMiddlewares.length > 0) { handler = handleRouteMiddleware(r, routeMiddlewares); if (handler) { return (<RequestHandler> handler)( transformRequest(r, container, match), response(r), ); } }
const execHandler = <ExecHandler> <unknown> handler; const result = execHandler( transformRequest(r, container, match), response(r), );
return handleResult(result); }
function handleResult(result: any) { if (isString(result)) return new Response(result);
if (isResponse(result)) return <Response> <unknown> result;
if (isJSX(result)) return render(<JSX.Element> <unknown> result);
const [isJson, object] = isJSON(result); if (isJson) { const headers = new Headers(); headers.set("content-type", "application/json"); return new Response(<string> object, { headers }); }
return new Response("Internal Server Error", { status: 500 }); }
function handleRouteMiddleware( r: Request, routeMiddlewares: Array<RouteMidleware>, ) { let handler: HandlerArgument | undefined = undefined;
for (let index = 0; index < routeMiddlewares.length; index++) { let done = false; let match = false; const m = routeMiddlewares[index]; const mid = r.method + m.path + r.url;
match = cache[mid] ? cache[mid] : patterns[m.path].test(r.url); if (match && (m.method === r.method)) { cache[mid] = match; const res = response(r); m.handler(transformRequest(r, container), res, (val) => { done = true; if (val) new Response(<string> val); });
if (!done) { handler = <HandlerArgument> m.handler; break; } } } return handler; }
function handleMiddleware( r: Request, middlewares: Array<MiddlewareArgument>, ) { let handler: HandlerArgument | undefined = undefined; for (let index = 0; index < middlewares.length; index++) { let done = false; const m = middlewares[index]; const res = response(r); m(transformRequest(r, container), res, (val) => { done = true; if (val) new Response(<string> val); });
if (!done) { handler = <HandlerArgument> m; break; } }
return handler; }}
function isString(res: any) { return typeof res === "string";}
function isResponse(res: any) { return res instanceof Response;}
function isJSON(res: any) { let stringify; try { stringify = JSON.stringify(res); JSON.parse(stringify); } catch { return [false, ""]; } return [true, stringify];}
export function isJSX(res: any) { const el = <JSX.Element> res; return el.props != undefined && el.type != undefined;}
function render(element: JSX.Element) { const component = ReactDOMServer.renderToString(element); return new Response(component, { headers: { "content-type": "text/html", }, });}
export function transformRequest( r: Request, container: Container, match?: URLPatternResult | null,) { const req = <HttpRequest> r; if (!match) { req.match = null; return req; } req.container = () => container; req.match = match; req.get = <T>(key: string) => { return <T> container.get(key); }; req.set = <T>(key: string, value: T, options?: SetOptions) => { return container.set(key, value, options); }; req.delete = (key: string) => { return container.delete(key); }; return req;}