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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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interface SSR
import { type SSR } from "";


dir: (dir: string) => SSR
title: (title: string) => SSR
meta: (meta: string) => SSR
script: (script: string) => SSR
style: (style: string) => SSR
htmlAttr: (attr: string) => SSR
bodyAttr: (attr: string) => SSR
rootAttr: (attr: string) => SSR
lang: (lang: string) => SSR
cdn: (cdn: string) => SSR
ogTitle: (title: string) => SSR
ogType: (type: string) => SSR
ogImage: (image: string) => SSR
ogURL: (url: string) => SSR
ogSiteName: (name: string) => SSR
ogDesc: (desc: string) => SSR
twitterCard: (card: string) => SSR
metaDesc: (desc: string) => SSR
props: (props: any) => SSR
request: (req: HttpRequest) => SSR
cache: (cache: Container) => SSR
render: () => Response
_createBundle: (
bundle?: string,
rootComponent?: string,
rootTSX?: string,
) => void
_getBundleName: () => string
bundle: (name: string) => SSR