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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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type alias Fastro
import { type Fastro } from "";
definition: { container: Container; serve(options?: ServeInit): Promise<void>; close(): void; static(path: string, maxAge?: number): Fastro; use(...middleware: Array<MiddlewareArgument>): Fastro; get(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; post(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; put(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; delete(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; patch(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; options(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; head(path: string, ...handler: Array<HandlerArgument>): Fastro; flash(isFlash: boolean): Fastro; build(isBuild: boolean): Fastro; set<T>(
key: string,
value: T,
options?: SetOptions,
): Fastro; page(
path: string,
ssr: SSR,
handler: HandlerArgument,
): Fastro; }