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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { Row } from "../types.d.ts";import { contentType, extname, Status, STATUS_TEXT } from "./deps.ts";
export function handleStaticFile( reqUrl: string, staticURL: string, maxAge: number, cache: Row,) { const staticID = "static" + reqUrl; const extID = "ext" + staticID + reqUrl; let path; let extName = "";
if (cache[staticID]) { path = cache[staticID]; } else { path = getPathUrl(reqUrl, staticURL); cache[staticID] = path; }
if (cache[extID]) { extName = cache[extID]; } else { extName = extname(path); cache[extID] = extName; }
const txtExt = [".js", ".css", ".html", ".txt", ".xml", ".svg", ".ts", ""]; const r = txtExt.find((val) => val === extName);
if (r || r === "") { return handleTextFile(extName, maxAge, path, cache, reqUrl); }
return handleNonText(path, maxAge);}
async function handleNonText( path: string, maxAge: number,) { let file; try { file = await`.${path}`, { read: true }); } catch (err) { console.error(err); return new Response(STATUS_TEXT[Status.NotFound], { status: Status.NotFound, }); }
const ct = contentType(extname(path)) || "application/octet-stream"; return new Response(file.readable, { headers: { "Content-Type": ct, "Cache-Control": `max-age=${maxAge}`, }, });}
async function handleTextFile( ext: string, maxAge: number, path: string, cache: Row, url: string,) { let text; const txtID = "txt" + url;
if (cache[txtID]) { text = cache[txtID]; } else { try { text = await Deno.readTextFile(`.${path}`); cache[txtID] = text; } catch { return handleIndex(path, url, cache); } }
return new Response(text, { headers: { "Content-Type": contentType(ext) || "text/plain; charset=UTF-8", "Cache-Control": `max-age=${maxAge}`, }, });}
async function handleIndex(path: string, url: string, cache: Row) { let text; const idxID = "index" + url;
if (cache[idxID]) { text = cache[idxID]; if (text === STATUS_TEXT[Status.NotFound]) { return new Response(text, { status: Status.NotFound, }); } } else { try { path = path === "/" ? "" : path; text = await Deno.readTextFile(`.${path}/index.html`); cache[idxID] = text; } catch (err) { console.error(err); text = STATUS_TEXT[Status.NotFound]; cache[idxID] = text; return new Response(text, { status: Status.NotFound, }); } }
return new Response(text, { headers: { "Content-Type": "text/html; charset=utf-8", }, });}
function getPathUrl(url: string, staticURL: string) { const res = <RegExpMatchArray> url.match(/^https?:\/\/[^/]+/); const [baseUrl] = res; if (staticURL !== "/") { const p = `${staticURL}/:file*`; const pattern = new URLPattern(p, baseUrl); const r = pattern.test(url); if (!r) return ""; } return url.substring(baseUrl.length);}