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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import { delay } from "";import { markdownTable } from "";
async function oha(url?: string) { const u = url ?? "http://localhost:9000"; const args = [ "-j", "--no-tui", "-z", "1m", u, ]; const oh = `oha ${args.join().replaceAll(",", " ")}`; console.log(oh); const command = new Deno.Command("oha", { args, }); const { code, stdout, stderr } = await command.output(); const err = new TextDecoder().decode(stderr); if (!err && code === 0) { const output = new TextDecoder().decode(stdout); const o = JSON.parse(output); o["oha"] = oh; return o; }}
async function killServer() { const l ={ cmd: [`lsof`, `-t`, `-i:9000`], stdout: "piped", stderr: "piped", stdin: "null", });
const pid = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(await l.output())); const c ={ cmd: ["kill", "-9", `${pid}`] }); await c.status(); await delay(1000);}
async function bench(server: string) { await delay(500);{ cmd: ["deno", "task", `${server}`], }); await delay(500); let res; if (server === "params") { const url = "http://localhost:9000/agus?title=lead"; res = await oha(url); } else { res = await oha(); }
await killServer(); return { module: server, requestsPerSec: <number> res.summary.requestsPerSec, oha: res.oha, };}
const server: string[] = [];
for await (const f of Deno.readDir("./examples")) { const [n] ="."); server.push(n);}
const res = [];for (const file of server) { const r = await bench(file); res.push(r);}
const table = res.sort((a, b) => b.requestsPerSec - a.requestsPerSec);const max = table[0];
const t = => { const relative = (v.requestsPerSec / max.requestsPerSec) * 100; return [ v.module, v.requestsPerSec.toFixed(2), relative.toFixed(0) + "%", `\`${v.oha}\``, ];});
let markdown = `# Benchmark`;markdown += `\n${ markdownTable([ ["module", "rps", "relative", "cmd"], ...t, ])}`;
await Deno.writeTextFile("bench/result.json", JSON.stringify(table));await Deno.writeTextFile("bench/", markdown);