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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import fastro from "../mod.ts";import { assertEquals, assertExists } from "./deps.ts";
const host = "http://localhost:8000";
Deno.test( { permissions: { net: true, env: true, read: true, write: true } }, async function getResponse() { const f = new fastro(); f.get("/", () => new Response("get"));"/", () => new Response("post")); f.put("/", () => new Response("put")); f.delete("/", () => new Response("delete")); f.options("/", () => new Response("options")); f.head("/", () => new Response("")); f.serve();
const get = await fetch(host, { method: "GET" }); assertEquals(await get.text(), "get");
const post = await fetch(host, { method: "POST" }); assertEquals(await post.text(), "post");
const put = await fetch(host, { method: "PUT" }); assertEquals(await put.text(), "put");
const del = await fetch(host, { method: "DELETE" }); assertEquals(await del.text(), "delete");
const ops = await fetch(host, { method: "OPTIONS" }); assertEquals(await ops.text(), "options");
const head = await fetch(host, { method: "HEAD" }); assertEquals(await head.text(), "");
f.close(); await f.finished(); },);
Deno.test( { permissions: { net: true, env: true, read: true, write: true } }, async function getStaticFileWithStaticPath() { const f = new fastro(); f.static("/static", { folder: "static", maxAge: 90 }); f.serve(); const get = await fetch(`${host}/static/post.css`, { method: "GET" }); assertExists(await get.text(), `@media (min-width: 576px)`); f.close(); await f.finished(); },);
Deno.test( { permissions: { net: true, env: true, read: true, write: true } }, async function getStaticFileWithRootPath() { const f = new fastro(); f.static("/", { folder: "static", maxAge: 90 }); f.serve(); const get = await fetch(`${host}/static/post.css`, { method: "GET" }); assertExists(await get.text(), `@media (min-width: 576px)`); f.close(); await f.finished(); },);