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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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import fastro, { Context, HttpRequest, Next } from "../http/server.ts";import { version } from "../http/version.ts";import markdown from "../middlewares/markdown.tsx";import app from "../pages/app.tsx";import blog from "../pages/blog.tsx";import Example from "../pages/example.tsx";import index from "../pages/index.tsx";import { denoRunCheck, getExamples, getPosts, init } from "./function.ts";import { createHTML } from "./layout.ts";
const title = "Swift Simplicity, Powerful Speed";const description = "Handle thousands of RPS with a minimalistic API";const f = new fastro();const m = new markdown({ folder: "docs" });const b = new markdown({ folder: "posts", prefix: "blog" });f.use(m.middleware);f.use(b.middleware);
f.record["examples"] = await getExamples();f.record["posts"] = await getPosts();
f.use((req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context, next: Next) => { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any const remoteAddr = as any; const data = { url: req.url, method: req.method, transport:, hostname: remoteAddr.hostname, port: remoteAddr.port, userAgent: req.headers.get("user-agent"), host: req.headers.get("host"), ua: req.headers.get("sec-ch-ua"), uaPlatform: req.headers.get("sec-ch-ua-platform"), fetchSite: req.headers.get("sec-fetch-site"), };; return next();});
f.get("/api", () => { return Response.json({ time: new Date().getTime() });});
f.get("/docs", () => { return Response.redirect("", 307);});
f.get("/robots.txt", () => `User-agent: *Allow: /`);
f.static("/static", { folder: "static", referer: true });"/app", app, (_req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => { return ctx.render({ build: true, cache: false, props: { data: "Guest" }, html: { head: { title: "Preact component" } }, });}); "/blog/:post([a-zA-Z0-9]+)?", blog, (req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => { const opt = createHTML( { version: version, path: "blog", title: "Blog", description: "Blog", posts: req.record["posts"], htmlClass: "h-100", }, "Blog", "Blog of Fastro Framework", );
return ctx.render(opt); },); "/", index, (req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => { const res = denoRunCheck(req); if (res) return init(); const opt = createHTML( { version, path: "home", title, description, htmlClass: "h-100", }, title, description, ); return ctx.render(opt); },);"/examples", Example, (req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => { const examples = req.record["examples"]; const options = createHTML( { version, path: "examples", title, description, examples, htmlClass: "h-100", }, title, description, ); return ctx.render(options);});
f.onListen(({ port, hostname }) => { console.log( `%cListening on %chttp://${hostname}:${port}`, "color: green", "color: blue", );});
await f.serve();