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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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// deno-lint-ignore-fileimport { h, JSX, renderToString } from "./deps.ts";import { BUILD_ID, Component, Fastro, FunctionComponent, RenderOptions,} from "./server.ts";import { clean, extractOriginalString, importCryptoKey, keyType, keyUsages, reverseString,} from "../crypto/key.ts";import { encryptData } from "../crypto/encrypt.ts";
function isJSX(res: JSX.Element) { return res && res.props != undefined && res.type != undefined;}
export class Render { #options: RenderOptions; #element: Component; #nest: Record<string, any>; #development: boolean; #server: Fastro; #staticPath: string; #reqUrl?: string;
constructor( element: Component, options: RenderOptions, nest: Record<string, any>, server: Fastro, request?: Request, ) { this.#options = this.#initOptions(options); this.#element = element; this.#nest = nest; this.#development = server.getDevelopmentStatus(); this.#server = server; this.#staticPath = `${this.#server.getStaticPath()}/js`; this.#reqUrl = request?.url; }
#initOptions = (opt: RenderOptions) => { opt.status = opt.status ?? 200; opt.pageFolder = opt.pageFolder ?? "pages"; opt.cache = opt.cache ?? true; opt.development = opt.development ?? true; opt.html = opt.html ?? {}; opt.html.head = opt.html.head ?? { meta: [], script: [], link: [], };
const meta = [{ charset: "utf-8" }, { name: "viewport", content: "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0", }]; if (opt.html.head.descriptions) { meta.push({ name: "description", content: opt.html.head.descriptions, }); } opt.html.head.meta = opt.html.head.meta ?? meta; opt.html.head.script = opt.html.head.script ?? [];
opt.html.body = opt.html.body ?? { script: [], root: {}, };
const options = { ...opt }; return this.#options = options; };
#initHtml = (element: Component, props?: any) => { let el = isJSX(element as JSX.Element) ? element as JSX.Element : h( element as FunctionComponent, this.#options.props, );
return ( <html lang={this.#options.html?.lang} className={this.#options.html?.class} style={this.#options.html?.style} > <head> {this.#options.html?.head?.title ? <title>{this.#options.html?.head?.title}</title> : ""} {this.#options.html?.head?.meta ? this.#options.html?.head? => ( <meta property={} name={} content={m.content} itemProp={m.itemprop} charSet={m.charset} /> )) : ""} {this.#options.html?.head?.link ? this.#options.html?.head? => ( <link href={l.href} integrity={l.integrity} rel={l.rel} as={} onLoad={l.onload} media={} crossOrigin={l.crossorigin} > </link> )) : ""}
{this.#options.html?.head?.noScriptLink ? ( <noscript> <link rel={this.#options.html?.head?.noScriptLink.rel} href={this.#options.html?.head?.noScriptLink.href} > </link> </noscript> ) : ""}
{this.#options.html?.head?.headStyle ? ( <style> {this.#options.html?.head?.headStyle} </style> ) : ""} {this.#options.html?.head?.script ? this.#options.html?.head? => ( <script src={s.src} type={s.type} crossOrigin={s.crossorigin} nonce={s.nonce} integrity={s.integrity} /> )) : ""}
{this.#options.html?.head?.headScript ? ( <script> {this.#options.html?.head?.headScript} </script> ) : ""} </head> <body className={this.#options.html?.body?.class} style={this.#options.html?.body?.style} > <div id="root" className={this.#options.html?.body?.root.class} style={this.#options.html?.body?} data-color-mode="auto" data-light-theme="light" data-dark-theme="dark" > {el} </div> {props ? <script></script> : ""} {this.#options.html?.body?.script ? this.#options.html?.body? => ( <script src={s.src} type={s.type} crossOrigin={s.crossorigin} nonce={s.nonce} /> )) : ""} </body> </html> ); };
#refreshJs = (refreshUrl: string, buildId: string) => { return `const es = new EventSource('${refreshUrl}');window.addEventListener("beforeunload", (event) => { es.close();});es.onmessage = function(e) { if ( !== "${buildId}") { location.reload(); };};`; };
#renderToString = async (component: Component, cached?: boolean) => { let compID = ""; this.#handleDevelopment(); if (isJSX(component as JSX.Element)) { return this.#handleJSXElement(compID, component, cached); }
const c = component as FunctionComponent; compID = `${}${this.#reqUrl}`; if (cached && this.#nest[compID]) return this.#nest[compID];
await this.#handleComponent(c); const layout = this.#initHtml(this.#element, this.#options.props); let html = renderToString(layout); html = await this.#setInitialProps(html); return this.#nest[compID] = `<!DOCTYPE html>${html}`; };
#handleJSXElement = async ( compID: string, component: Component, cached?: boolean, ) => { compID = `default${this.#reqUrl}`; if (cached && this.#nest[compID]) return this.#nest[compID]; let html = renderToString(this.#initHtml(component)); return this.#nest[compID] = `<!DOCTYPE html>${html}`; };
#handleComponent = async (c: FunctionComponent) => { if (!this.#options.html?.body) return; this.#options.html?.body.script?.push({ src: `${this.#staticPath}/${}.js`, }); };
#setInitialProps = async (layout: string) => { let exportedKeyString = this.#server.record["exportedKeyString"] as string; exportedKeyString = clean(exportedKeyString); exportedKeyString = reverseString(exportedKeyString); exportedKeyString = extractOriginalString( exportedKeyString, this.#server.record["salt"], ) as string; exportedKeyString = atob(exportedKeyString); const importedKey = await importCryptoKey( exportedKeyString, keyType, keyUsages, );
const plaintext = JSON.stringify(this.#options.props); const encryptedData = await encryptData(importedKey, plaintext); const env = === undefined ? "" : `window.__ENV__ = "DEVELOPMENT";`;
return layout.replace( `<script></script>`, `<script>${env}window.__INITIAL_DATA__ = "${encryptedData}";</script>`, ); };
#handleDevelopment = () => { if (!this.#development) return; const refreshPath = `${this.#staticPath}/refresh.js`; this.#server.push( "GET", refreshPath, () => new Response(this.#refreshJs(`/___refresh___`, BUILD_ID), { headers: { "Content-Type": "application/javascript", }, }), );
if (this.#options.html?.head?.script) { this.#options.html?.head.script?.push({ src: refreshPath, }); } };
render = async () => { const html = await this.#renderToString( this.#element, this.#options.cache, ); return new Response(html, { status: this.#options.status, headers: { "content-type": "text/html", }, }); };}