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Full Stack Framework for Deno, TypeScript, Preact JS and Tailwind CSS
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import fastro, { Context, HttpRequest } from "$fastro/mod.ts";import { Client } from "";
const client = await new Client().connect({ hostname: "", username: "root", db: "homestead", password: "root",});
// init table and dataawait createTable();
async function getData() { const { rows } = await client.execute(`SELECT * FROM todos WHERE id = 1`); return rows;}
const f = new fastro();
f.get( "/", async (_req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => { const data = await getData(); return ctx.send(data, 200); },);
await f.serve();
async function createTable() { await client.execute(`CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS todos ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, title TEXT NOT NULL)`); await client.execute(`INSERT INTO todos (title) VALUES ('hello')`);}