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Full Stack Framework for Deno, TypeScript, Preact JS and Tailwind CSS
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// deno-lint-ignore-file no-explicit-anyimport { ComponentChildren, JSX } from "./deps.ts";
/** * The callback which is called when the server starts listening. */export type ListenHandler = (params: { hostname: string; port: number;}) => void;
/** * Extends the native Http `Request` with `params`, `query`, and `parseBody` */export class HttpRequest extends Request { [key: string]: any; params?: Record<string, string | undefined>; query?: Record<string, string>; parseBody!: <T>() => Promise<T>;}
/** * Handle http request * * Example: * ```ts * const handler = (req: Request, ctx: Context) => { * return ctx.send("Hello") * } * * ``` */export type Handler = ( req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context,) => | string | Promise<string> | object | Promise<object> | bigint | Promise<bigint> | number | Promise<number> | boolean | Promise<boolean> | undefined | Promise<undefined> | Response | Promise<Response> | void | Promise<void> | Promise<Response | void>;
/** * The callback for middleware */export type Next = { (): void;};
/** * Middleware type used by server */export type Middleware = { method?: string; path?: string; handler: Handler;};
/** * Static type used by server */export type Static = { file: string; contentType: string;};
/** * Define the information for a HTTP request, render, send & options */export class Context { /** * Render a JSX Component or a Page with data * - If you call it from a standart handler (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE), it will render a JSX component. * - If you call it from a page handler, it will render the data using the predefined JSX layout. * @param data * @returns */ render!: <T>(data?: T | undefined) => Response | Promise<Response>; /** * Information for a HTTP request. */ info!: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo; /** * Send data to client */ send!: <T>( data?: T | undefined, status?: number | undefined, ) => Response | Promise<Response>; /** * Middleware callback */ next!: Next; /** * Instance of server */ server!: Fastro; /** * The URL interface represents an object providing static methods used for creating object URLs. */ url!: URL; /** * Deno KV Instance defined in Fastro Constructor */ kv!: Deno.Kv; /** * Server options defined in Fastro Constuctor */ options!: Record<string, any>; [key: string]: any;}
/** * Define the page component, layout, handler and its folder */export type Page<T = any> = { component: FunctionComponent | JSX.Element; layout: Layout<T>; handler: Handler; script?: string; folder?: string;};
/** * Defines the props of the page layout */export type LayoutProps<T = any> = { children: ComponentChildren; data: T; nonce: string;};
/** * Define the props of the page */export type PageProps<T = any> = { data: T;};
/** * Define the layout type */export type Layout<T = any> = ( props: LayoutProps<T>,) => JSX.Element;
/** * Define the function component * * Example: * ``` * const c = () => <div>Hello<div> * ``` */export type FunctionComponent = (props: any) => JSX.Element;
/** * Groups the handler, service, page, and layout * * Example: * ```ts * import fastro from ""; * * const f = new fastro(); * * const helloModule = (f: Fastro) => { * return f.get("/", () => "Hello World"); * }; * * await; * * await f.serve(); * ``` */export type ModuleFunction = (f: Fastro) => Fastro | Promise<Fastro>;
/** * Defines the application endpoint, middleware, group, and serve * * Example: * ```ts * import fastro from ""; * * const f = new fastro(); * * f.get("/", () => "Hello, World!"); * * await f.serve(); * ``` */export interface Fastro { serve: (options?: { port?: number; onListen?: ListenHandler; }) => Promise<void>; shutdown: () => void; get( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro; post( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro; put( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro; patch( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro; delete( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro; options( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro; head( path: string, ...handler: Array<Handler> ): Fastro; page<T = any>( path: string, page: Page<T>, ): Fastro; add(method: string, path: string, handler: Handler): Fastro; use(...handler: Array<Handler>): Fastro; group(mf: ModuleFunction): Promise<Fastro>; serverOptions: Record<string, any>; getNonce(): string; getPages(): Record<string, Page>; getRoutes(): Record<string, Handler>;}