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import '';export * from '';export * as colors from '';export * as base64 from '';export * as jsonc from '';export * as path from '';export * from '';export * as denoGraph from 'jsr:@deno/graph@^0.69.7';
// export * from '../reference-architecture/mod.ts';export * from '';export * from '';export * from '';export * from '';// export * from '../everything-as-code/mod.ts';export * from '';export * from '';export * from '';export * from '';// export * from '../everything-as-code-api/mod.ts';export * from '';
import * as esbuild from '';export { esbuild };export { denoPlugins } from '';export type ESBuild = { context: typeof esbuild.context; build: typeof; buildSync: typeof esbuild.buildSync; transform: typeof esbuild.transform; transformSync: typeof esbuild.transformSync; formatMessages: typeof esbuild.formatMessages; formatMessagesSync: typeof esbuild.formatMessagesSync; analyzeMetafile: typeof esbuild.analyzeMetafile; analyzeMetafileSync: typeof esbuild.analyzeMetafileSync; initialize: typeof esbuild.initialize; stop: typeof esbuild.stop; version: typeof esbuild.version;};