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type alias Octokit
import { type Octokit } from "";
definition: InstanceType<Octokit>
variable Octokit
import { Octokit } from "";


OctokitCore & import("").Constructor<
& { paginate: import("").PaginateInterface; }
& { graphql: import("").graphql & { paginate: (<ResponseType_1 extends object = any>(query: string, initialParameters?: Record<string, any> | undefined) => Promise<ResponseType_1>) & { iterator: <ResponseType_2 = any>(query: string, initialParameters?: Record<string, any> | undefined) => { [[Symbol.asyncIterator]]: () => { next(): Promise<{ done: boolean; value: ResponseType_2; }>; }; }; }; }; }
& import("").Api
& { retry: { retryRequest: (
error: import("").RequestError,
retries: number,
retryAfter: number,
) => import("").RequestError; }; }