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The API and real-time application framework
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// DO NOT MODIFY - generated from packages/feathers/src/hooks/index.ts
import { getManager, HookContextData, HookManager, HookMap, HOOKS, hooks, Middleware} from '../dependencies.ts';import { Service, ServiceOptions, HookContext, FeathersService, Application} from '../declarations.ts';import { defaultServiceArguments, getHookMethods } from '../service.ts';import { collectLegacyHooks, enableLegacyHooks, fromAfterHook, fromBeforeHook, fromErrorHooks} from './legacy.ts';
export { fromAfterHook, fromBeforeHook, fromErrorHooks };
export function createContext (service: Service<any>, method: string, data: HookContextData = {}) { const createContext = (service as any)[method].createContext;
if (typeof createContext !== 'function') { throw new Error(`Can not create context for method ${method}`); }
return createContext(data) as HookContext;}
export class FeathersHookManager<A> extends HookManager { constructor (public app: A, public method: string) { super(); this._middleware = []; }
collectMiddleware (self: any, args: any[]): Middleware[] { const app = as any as Application; const appHooks = app.appHooks[HOOKS].concat(app.appHooks[this.method] || []); const legacyAppHooks = collectLegacyHooks(, this.method); const middleware = super.collectMiddleware(self, args); const legacyHooks = collectLegacyHooks(self, this.method);
return [...appHooks, ...legacyAppHooks, ...middleware, ...legacyHooks]; }
initializeContext (self: any, args: any[], context: HookContext) { const ctx = super.initializeContext(self, args, context);
ctx.params = ctx.params || {};
return ctx; }
middleware (mw: Middleware[]) { this._middleware.push(; return this; }}
export function hookMixin<A> ( this: A, service: FeathersService<A>, path: string, options: ServiceOptions) { if (typeof service.hooks === 'function') { return service; }
const app = this; const serviceMethodHooks = getHookMethods(service, options).reduce((res, method) => { const params = (defaultServiceArguments as any)[method] || [ 'data', 'params' ];
res[method] = new FeathersHookManager<A>(app, method) .params(...params) .props({ app, path, method, service, event: null, type: null });
return res; }, {} as HookMap); const handleLegacyHooks = enableLegacyHooks(service);
hooks(service, serviceMethodHooks);
service.hooks = function (this: any, hookOptions: any) { if (hookOptions.before || hookOptions.after || hookOptions.error) { return, hookOptions); }
if (Array.isArray(hookOptions)) { return hooks(this, hookOptions); }
Object.keys(hookOptions).forEach(method => { const manager = getManager(this[method]);
if (!(manager instanceof FeathersHookManager)) { throw new Error(`Method ${method} is not a Feathers hooks enabled service method`); }
manager.middleware(hookOptions[method]); });
return this; }
return service;}