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A Bundler with the web in mind.
import * as fedDev from "";


Represents an at-rule.

Represents a comment between declarations or statements (rule and at-rules).

The Root, AtRule, and Rule container nodes inherit some common methods to help work with their children.

The CSS parser throws this error for broken CSS.

Represents a CSS declaration.

Represents a file and contains all its parsed nodes.

Represents the source CSS.

A Promise proxy for the result of PostCSS transformations.


All node classes inherit the following common methods.

Contains plugins to process CSS. Create one Processor instance, initialize its plugins, and then use that instance on numerous CSS files.

Provides the result of the PostCSS transformations.

Represents a CSS file and contains all its parsed nodes.

Represents a CSS rule: a selector followed by a declaration block.

Represents a plugin’s warning. It can be created using Node#warn.


Set background color to black.

Set background color to blue.

Set background color to bright black.

Set background color to bright blue.

Set background color to bright cyan.

Set background color to bright green.

Set background color to bright magenta.

Set background color to bright red.

Set background color to bright white.

Set background color to bright yellow.

Set background color to cyan.

Set background color to green.

Set background color to magenta.

Set background color to red.

Set background color using 24bit rgb. color can be a number in range 0x000000 to 0xffffff or an Rgb.

Set background color using paletted 8bit colors.

Set background color to white.

Set background color to yellow.

Set text color to black.

Set text color to blue.

Make the text bold.

Set text color to bright black.

Set text color to bright blue.

Set text color to bright cyan.

Set text color to bright green.

Set text color to bright magenta.

Set text color to bright red.

Set text color to bright white.

Set text color to bright yellow.

Set text color to cyan.

The text emits only a small amount of light.

Get whether text color change is enabled or disabled.

Set text color to gray.

Set text color to green.

Make the text hidden.

Invert background color and text color.

Make the text italic.

Set text color to magenta.

Set text color to red.

Reset the text modified

Set text color using 24bit rgb. color can be a number in range 0x000000 to 0xffffff or an Rgb.

Set text color using paletted 8bit colors.

Set changing text color to enabled or disabled

Put horizontal line through the center of the text.

Remove ANSI escape codes from the string.

Make the text underline.

Set text color to white.

Set text color to yellow.

Take a set of command line arguments, optionally with a set of options, and return an object representing the flags found in the passed arguments.

Create WalkEntry for the path asynchronously

Create WalkEntry for the path synchronously

Copy a file or directory. The directory can have contents. Like cp -r. Requires the --allow-read and --allow-write flag.

Copy a file or directory. The directory can have contents. Like cp -r. Requires the --allow-read and --allow-write flag.

Detect the EOL character for string input. returns null if no newline

Ensures that a directory is empty. Deletes directory contents if the directory is not empty. If the directory does not exist, it is created. The directory itself is not deleted. Requires the --allow-read and --allow-write flag.

Ensures that a directory is empty. Deletes directory contents if the directory is not empty. If the directory does not exist, it is created. The directory itself is not deleted. Requires the --allow-read and --allow-write flag.

Ensures that the directory exists. If the directory structure does not exist, it is created. Like mkdir -p. Requires the --allow-read and --allow-write flag.

Ensures that the directory exists. If the directory structure does not exist, it is created. Like mkdir -p. Requires the --allow-read and --allow-write flag.

Ensures that the file exists. If the file that is requested to be created is in directories that do not exist. these directories are created. If the file already exists, it is NOTMODIFIED. Requires the --allow-read and --allow-write flag.

Ensures that the file exists. If the file that is requested to be created is in directories that do not exist, these directories are created. If the file already exists, it is NOT MODIFIED. Requires the --allow-read and --allow-write flag.

Ensures that the hard link exists. If the directory structure does not exist, it is created.

Ensures that the hard link exists. If the directory structure does not exist, it is created.

Ensures that the link exists. If the directory structure does not exist, it is created.

Ensures that the link exists. If the directory structure does not exist, it is created.


Test whether or not the given path exists by checking with the file system


Test whether or not the given path exists by checking with the file system

Expand the glob string from the specified root directory and yield each result as a WalkEntry object.

Synchronous version of expandGlob().

Format the file to the targeted EOL

Moves a file or directory

Moves a file or directory synchronously

Walks the file tree rooted at root, yielding each file or directory in the tree filtered according to the given options. The files are walked in lexical order, which makes the output deterministic but means that for very large directories walk() can be inefficient.

Same as walk() but uses synchronous ops

Determines the common path from a set of paths, using an optional separator, which defaults to the OS default separator.

Convert a glob string to a regular expression.

Test whether the given string is a glob

Like join(), but doesn't collapse "**/.." when globstar is true.

Like normalize(), but doesn't collapse "**/.." when globstar is true.


The value returned from parse.

The options for the parse call.

A parsed path object generated by path.parse() or consumed by path.format().

An identifier mangler for which the output is invariant with respect to the source code.

An identifier mangler that leverages character frequency analysis to determine identifier precedence.