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a simple web framework for deno
/** * tool/body.ts * Body evolved tool are save here * @author DominicMing */
// this is a global encoder, using by allconst encoder = new TextEncoder();
/** * encode body if body type supported * @param body * @return Uint8Array */export function bodyEncoder(body: any) { let result = encoder.encode("");
if (body instanceof Uint8Array) { result = body; } else if (typeof body === "string") { result = encoder.encode(body); } else if (typeof body === "object") { let jsonStr = ""; try { jsonStr = JSON.stringify(body); } catch (e) { console.warn("unable to encode body, it's not in right form"); } result = encoder.encode(jsonStr); }
return result;}
/** * decode body if the content-type supported * @param body {Uint8Array} * @param header {Headers} * @return {string|Uint8Array|Object} */export function bodyDecoder(body: Uint8Array, header: Headers) { if (header.has("content-type")) { let ct = header.get("content-type");
if (!ct) { return body; }
let charset = ct.match(/charset="([^]*)"/i); let decoder = new TextDecoder(charset ? charset[1] : "utf-8");
if (/application\/x-www-form-urlencoded/i.test(ct)) { let ctt = decoder.decode(body); let obj = {} as { [key: string]: string };
ctt.split("&").map((e) => { let [k, v] = e.trim().split("="); let key = decodeURIComponent(k); obj[key] = decodeURIComponent(v || ""); });
return obj; }
if (ct && /application\/json/i.test(ct)) { let obj = {}; let ctt = decoder.decode(body);
try { obj = JSON.parse(ctt); } catch (e) { console.error("Error while parse json", e); }
return obj; }
if (ct && ct.includes("text")) { return decoder.decode(body); } }
return body;}
/** * generate error body * @param status {number} * @param info {string} * @return string */export function errorBodyGen(status: number, info: string) { return `<html lang="en"> <head> <title>Fen - ${status}</title> </head> <body> <h1>Error: ${status}!</h1> <p>${info}</p> </body></html> `;}