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Sync posts from Mastodon into FeoBlog
import { loadConfig, Config } from "./priv/config.ts"import { feoblog, path, command, color } from "./priv/deps.ts";import { htmlToMarkdown } from "./priv/markdown.ts";import * as mast from "./priv/mast.ts";
const MAIN = new command.Command() .name("feomasto") .description("A tool to sync Mastodon/FeoBlog") .globalOption( "-c, --config <config:string>", "Config file to use", { default: "./feomasto.toml" } ) .globalOption( "--maxStatuses <maxStatuses:number>", "Max # statuses to read from Mastodon", { default: 500 } ) .action(() => { MAIN.showHelp() })
async function main(args: string[]) { try { await MAIN.parse(args) return 0 } catch (cause) { console.error(cause) return 1 }}
async function run(options: RunOptions): Promise<number> { const config = await loadConfig(options.config)
// TODO: If I only need the client key/secret to get a token, then // why put them in the config? Let's refactor this to be an interactive // flow. Use cliffy for nice prompts. if (!config.token) { return await getApiKey(config) }
const client = new mast.Client({ baseURL: config.url, token: config.token })
// Find the last status saved in FeoBlog. let lastTimestamp: number|undefined = undefined const fbClient = new feoblog.Client({baseURL: config.feoblog.server}) const userID = feoblog.UserID.fromString(config.feoblog.write.userID) for await(const entry of fbClient.getUserItems(userID)) { if (entry.item_type != feoblog.protobuf.ItemType.POST) { continue } lastTimestamp = entry.timestamp_ms_utc break }
// Collect statuses we haven't saved yet: const newStatuses: StatusItem[] = [] for await (const status of client.homeTimeline()) { const item = new StatusItem(status) if (lastTimestamp && item.timestamp <= lastTimestamp) { break } if (!item.isPublic) { continue }
newStatuses.push(item) if (newStatuses.length >= options.maxStatuses) { break } }
console.log("Found", newStatuses.length, "new statuses")
// Insert oldest first, so that we can resume if something goes wrong: newStatuses.sort(StatusItem.sortByTimestamp)
const privKey = await feoblog.PrivateKey.fromString(config.feoblog.write.password) for (const status of newStatuses) { const bytes = status.toItem().serialize() const sig = privKey.sign(bytes) await fbClient.putItem(userID, sig, bytes) }
return 0}
MAIN.command("run", "Read from Mastodon into FeoBlog") .action(run)

async function test(options: RunOptions, maxStatuses: number) { const config = await loadConfig(options.config) const client = getMastodonClient(config)
// Collect statuses we haven't saved yet: const statuses: StatusItem[] = [] for await (const status of client.homeTimeline()) { const item = new StatusItem(status) if (!item.isPublic) { continue }
statuses.push(item) if (statuses.length >= maxStatuses) { break } } console.log("Got", statuses.length, "statuses")
if (statuses.length == 0) { return }
for (const status of statuses) { status.debugPrint() }}
/** Just read and render one text. */async function testStatus(options: RunOptions, statusText: string) { const pat = /\/(\d+)$/ const match = pat.exec(statusText) if (!match) { throw new Error(`Invalid status ID: ${statusText}`) } let statusId = match[1]
const config = await loadConfig(options.config) const client = getMastodonClient(config)

let status = new StatusItem(await client.getStatus(statusId))
function getMastodonClient(config: Config) { if (!config.token) { throw new Error("You need a token first") } const client = new mast.Client({ baseURL: config.url, token: config.token }) return client}
MAIN.command("test <count:number>", "Just run a test, don't write to FeoBlog") .action(test) // TODO: Aw, no multi-level subcommands? .command("test-status <id:string>", "Just test against one particular status") .action(testStatus)
interface RunOptions { config: string maxStatuses: number}

// TODO: Move into the mastodon client?// Prompt the user to create an API key.async function getApiKey(config: Config): Promise<number> { if (!config.client.key) { throw `client.key is missing from your config` } if (!config.client.secret) { throw `client.secret is missing from your config` }
// See: // var oauth = new OAuth2('your_client_id', 'your_client_secret', '', null, '/oauth/token'); // var url = oauth.getAuthorizeUrl({ redirect_uri: 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob', response_type: 'code', scope: 'read write follow' }); // // Get the user to open up the url in their browser and get the code
// Cause the endpoint to SHOW the auth code instead of redirect: const REDIRECT_URI = "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"
// oauth.getOAuthAccessToken('code from the authorization page that user should paste into your app', { grant_type: 'authorization_code', redirect_uri: 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' }, function(err, accessToken, refreshToken, res) { console.log(accessToken); }) // TODO: Get from config: const baseURL = ""
// See: const authCodeURL = new URL(`${baseURL}/oauth/authorize`) const params = authCodeURL.searchParams params.set("client_id", config.client.key) // params.set("scope", /* TODO */) params.set("redirect_uri", REDIRECT_URI) params.set("response_type", "code")
console.log("Visit the following URL in your web browser:") console.log(authCodeURL.toString()) console.log() console.log("Grant access, then paste the code below.") const code = prompt("Code?\n:") if (!code) { console.error("No code entered") return 1 }
const req = new Request(`${baseURL}/oauth/token`, { method: "POST", body: new URLSearchParams({ "client_id": config.client.key, "client_secret": config.client.secret, "grant_type": "authorization_code", "redirect_uri": REDIRECT_URI, "code": code, // "scope": // TODO }) })
const response = await fetch(req) const body = await response.text()
if (!response.ok) { console.error("Error getting API token from authorization code:") console.log("response", response) for (const [key, value] of response.headers) { console.log(key, "=", value) } console.log("body", body) return 1 }
const json = JSON.parse(body) const token = json.access_token if (!token) { throw { message: `Could not find access token in body`, response, body, } }
console.log([ "Success!", "Update your config to match:", "", "[mastodon]", `url = "${baseURL}"`, `token = "${token}"`, ].join("\n"))
return 0}
/** Some utility functions on top of a mast.Status */class StatusItem { timestamp: number;
constructor( public readonly context: mast.StatusContext, ) { const date = Date.parse(context.status.created_at) this.timestamp = date.valueOf() }
private get status(): Readonly<mast.Status> { return this.context.status }
/** * Get the instance-local URL for this status. * * Mastodon doesn't give this to you in the JSON response, so we have to construct it from the * "context" of the request. (i.e.: the URL we made the request to.) * * Benefits of using this format: * 1. We're likely syncing from the instance that the main user of this feed (me!) logs into. * If we direct clicks there, that user is likely logged-in, and can immediately interact * with the status. (vs. redirecting to status.url, where we're likely NOT logged in.) * 2. This instance-local status ID is attainable, so we can easily test against it. * (Can't easily look up instance-remote URLs in a local instance's API for testing!) * 3. If some *other* user clicks on the instance-local URL, Mastodon will just forward * them on to the origin URL anyway, so nothing is lost. */ localURL(status?: mast.Status): string { status = status ?? this.status return `${this.localAccountURL(status.account)}/${this.localID}` }
/** see notes in {@link localURL} */ private localAccountURL(account: mast.Account): string { const baseURL = this.context.context.baseURL
// "foo" for local users, else: "" const userID = account.acct
return `${baseURL}/@${userID}` }
private accountLink(account: mast.Account) { let url = this.localAccountURL(account) let name = account.acct if (account.display_name && !name.includes(account.display_name)) { name += ` ("${account.display_name}")` } return link(url, name) }
/** * The URL of this status on its origin server. */ get originURL(): string { let status = this.status return status.url || status.uri }
/** * The ID of this status, but ONLY on the local mastodon instance! */ get localID(): string { return }
get isPublic(): boolean { const v = this.status.visibility return v === "public" || v === "unlisted" }
toMarkdown(): string { // Note: We emit HTML headers/footers and convert the whole thing to markdown // because that lets turndown create nice referenced links for us at the bottom // of the doc, which helps readability in un-rendered Markdown. const s = this.status const statusURL = this.localURL(s)
let parts: string[] = []
if (s.reblog) { const rURL = this.localURL(s.reblog) parts.push( `<p>${link(statusURL, "Reblogged")} by ${this.accountLink(s.account)}:`, `<br>${this.accountLink(s.reblog.account)} ${link(rURL, "wrote")}:`, "</p>", `<blockquote>`, s.reblog.content, `</blockquote>` ) } // TODO: Handle replies. Need to fetch reply-to, quote it. else { let header = parts.push( `<p>${this.accountLink(s.account)} ${link(statusURL, "wrote")}:</p>`, `<blockquote>`, s.content, `</blockquote>`, ) }
let attachments = s.reblog?.media_attachments || s.media_attachments
// TODO: DO inline. Links are ugly, it turns out. // Link to attached media. (But don't inline it. Seems rude to use remote bandwidth for Mastodon servers.) // Though, maybe we could optionally attach it to the FeoBlog post? 🤔 if (attachments.length > 0) { parts.push("<h3>Attachments:</h3>") parts.push("<ul>") for (const attachment of attachments) { const desc = attachment.description || path.basename(attachment.url) let item = link(attachment.url, desc) if (attachment.remote_url) { item += ` (${link(attachment.remote_url, "remote")})` } parts.push(` <li>${item}</li>`) } parts.push("</ul>") }
return htmlToMarkdown(parts.join("\n")) + this.embedFooter() }
/** Extra info we embed in comments at the end. */ private embedFooter(): string { let data: Record<string,unknown> = {}
let local = this.localURL() let origin = this.originURL if (local != origin) { if (this.status.reblog) { // The URLs don't match because the origin URL here is a "reblog activity", which // isn't an HTML rendering of the thing. // We'll track it in the body, but no need to display/link to it. data.reblog = { activity: origin } } else { data.originURL = origin } }
if (Object.getOwnPropertyNames(data).length == 0) { return "" } return [ "", // Last line might not end in a newline. "", // extra separation from Markdown content. "<!--", JSON.stringify(data, null, 2), "-->" ].join("\n") }
toItem(): feoblog.protobuf.Item { const item = new feoblog.protobuf.Item({ timestamp_ms_utc: this.timestamp, // In theory, an ISO 8601 timestamp can contain an offset, but // always seems to return UTC times, so no offset. }) = new feoblog.protobuf.Post({ body: this.toMarkdown() })
return item }
static sortByTimestamp(a: StatusItem, b: StatusItem) { return a.timestamp - b.timestamp }
debugPrint() { console.log() console.log(`----------------------`) console.log("status JSON:")) console.log(JSON.stringify(this.status, null, 2)) console.log() console.log(color.yellow(""), console.log("body:")) console.log(this.toItem().post.body) }}
function link(href: string, text: string): string { text = text.replaceAll(`<`, "&lt;")
// For links that are getting converted into markdown, newlines break them. text = text.replaceAll(`\n`, " ")
return `<a href="${href}">${text}</a>`}
// ---------------------try { Deno.exit(await main(Deno.args) || 0)} catch (error) { console.error(error) Deno.exit(1)}