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fetch-event-stream CI licenses

A tiny (745b) utility for Server Sent Event (SSE) streaming via fetch and Web Streams API

  • Allows any HTTP method
  • Built with native Web Streams API
  • Works with browser, Node.js, Cloudflare Workers, Deno, and Bun
  • Supports WebWorker or Service Worker environments
  • Accepts AbortController for cancellable streams


$ npm install --save fetch-event-stream


import { events, stream } from 'fetch-event-stream';
// or
import { events, stream } from '';


events(res, signal?)

Convert a Response body containing Server Sent Events (SSE) into an Async Iterator that yields ServerSentEventMessage objects.


// Optional
let abort = new AbortController();

// Manually fetch a Response
let res = await fetch('https://...', {
  method: 'POST',
  signal: abort.signal,
  headers: {
    'api-key': 'token <value>',
    'content-type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify({
    stream: true, // <- hypothetical
    // ...

if (res.ok) {
  let stream = events(res, abort.signal);
  for await (let event of stream) {


Type: Response

The Response to consume. Must contain a body that follows the Server-Sent Event message protocol.


Type: AbortSignal

Optional. Use the AbortController interface to stop iteration. The stream will be destroyed.

stream(input, init?)

Convenience function that will fetch with the given arguments and, if ok, will return the events async iterator.

Note: Accepts the same arguments as fetch but does not return a Response!

Important: Will throw the Response if received non-2xx status code.


// NOTE: throws `Response` if not 2xx status
let events = await stream('', {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Authorization': 'Bearer <token>',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json',
  body: JSON.stringify({
    stream: true,
    // ...

for await (let event of events) {
  console.log('<<', JSON.parse(;


Type: Request | URL | string

Refer to fetch#resource documentation.


Type: RequestInit

Refer to fetch#options documentation.


MIT © Luke Edwards