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This library offers a fetch wrapper that automatically adds Content-Type header. also it can accepts object as body now to send as json.

Also adds Accept header with value application/json, text/plain, */* if not already set by you.


you can import wrapFetch from mod.ts file.

export { wrapFetch } from '';


// this simple
const wrappedfetch = wrapFetch();


// you can also pass your own wrapped fetch function, allowing for wrapping fetch multiple times
const wrappedfetch = wrapFetch({ fetchFn: yourFetch });

using the new wrappedfetch

const resp1 = await wrappedfetch("url",{
  form: {
    'foo': 'bar'
}); // sets method to POST by default and converts object to FormData.

// or 

const resp2 = await wrappedfetch("url",{
  body: {
    'foo': 'bar'
}); // is sent as json and corresponding header is set
// also if method is not defined for this, it will be set as POST

// other features:

// adding query string

const resp3 = await wrappedfetch("url",{
  qs: {
    'foo': 'bar'
}); // results to url being sent to be "url?foo=bar"

// adding a response validator where you can throw errors

const resp4 = await wrappedfetch("url",{
  validator(response: Response, init: ExtendedRequestInit) {
    if (response.status > 200) {
      throw new Error('yada');


fetch wrapper tests require network access to emulate server.

run with deno test --allow-net