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This package is designed to make the process of interacting with various APIs that have strict limitations more convenient and careful. For example, this could be APIs like Notion or Telegram, which have stringent limits.


This package is under development and will be frequently updated. The author would appreciate any help, advice, and pull requests! Thank you for your understanding 😊


  1. Gist deno telegram mailer + article 💌 Safe message sending script in Telegram with just 49 lines of code? Really?



deno add @vseplet/fetchify


npx jsr add @vseplet/fetchify

And import:

import fetchify from "@vseplet/fetchify";


The first thing available to you is the fetchify function

const json = await (await fetchify("")).json();


This function has a similar interface to the classic fetch but extends it with additional options, for example:

const json = await (await fetchify(
    timeout: 1000, // Now, the waiting for a response will be interrupted after 1000 ms.



But you can also create an instance with a set base URL and rate-limiting constraints:

const jph = fetchify.create({
  limiter: {
    // Number of requests per second
    rps: 3,
    // You can handle the occurrence of a 429 error
    // and return the time in ms that the request loop should delay
    rt: (response) => 1000,
  baseURL: "",
  headers: {
    "hello": "world",

for (let i = 30; i--;) {
  console.log(`send ${i}`);
  // All basic methods supported: get post put delete head patch
  jph.get(`/posts/${i}`).then((data) => console.log(`${i} ${data.status}`))
    .catch((err) => console.log(`${i} ${err}`))
    .finally(() => {


Yes, all methods comply with the fetch interface but also extend it with additional options, for example:

await jph.get(`/posts/10`, {
  // Number of attempts
  attempts: 10
  // Time after which we stop waiting for a response
  timeout: 1000

If you need to make a request to the configured baseURL but not through the request queue, you can add the flag:

await jph.get(`/posts/10`, { unlimited: true });

Parsing and validation

If you need to, you can try to parse JSON and validate it using Zod:

import fetchify, { jsonZ, z } from "@vseplet/fetchify";

const schema = z.object({
  id: z.string(), // there should actually be a z.number() here!
  title: z.string(),
  body: z.string(),
  userId: z.number(),

const { data, response } = await jsonZ(

And get the error:

error: Uncaught (in promise) ZodError: [
    "code": "invalid_type",
    "expected": "string",
    "received": "number",
    "path": [
    "message": "Expected string, received number"

Or using ValiBot:

import fetchify, { jsonV, v } from "@vseplet/fetchify";

const schema = v.object({
  id: v.number(), // v.number() is valid
  title: v.string(),
  body: v.string(),
  userId: v.number(),

const { data, response } = await jsonV(

// {
//   id: 1,
//   title: "sunt aut facere repellat provident occaecati excepturi optio reprehenderit",
//   body: "quia et suscipit\n" +
//     "suscipit recusandae consequuntur expedita et cum\n" +
//     "reprehenderit molestiae ut ut quas"... 58 more characters,
//   userId: 1
// }

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