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A node.js library for performing FIDO 2.0 / WebAuthn server functionality
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import { abToBuf, abToPem, coerceToArrayBuffer, coerceToBase64, tools } from "../utils.js";
import { Certificate, CertManager } from "../certUtils.js";
import { u2fRootCerts as rootCertList } from "./u2fRootCerts.js";
function fidoU2fParseFn(attStmt) { const ret = new Map(); const x5c = attStmt.x5c; let sig = attStmt.sig;
if (!Array.isArray(x5c)) { throw new TypeError("expected U2F attestation x5c field to be of type Array"); }
if (x5c.length < 1) { throw new TypeError("no certificates in U2F x5c field"); }
const newX5c = []; for (let cert of x5c) { cert = coerceToArrayBuffer(cert, "U2F x5c cert"); newX5c.push(cert); } // first certificate MUST be the attestation cert ret.set("attCert", newX5c.shift()); // the rest of the certificates (if any) are the certificate chain ret.set("x5c", newX5c);
sig = coerceToArrayBuffer(sig, "U2F signature"); ret.set("sig", sig);
return ret;}
async function fidoU2fValidateFn() { const x5c = this.authnrData.get("x5c"); const parsedAttCert = this.authnrData.get("attCert");
// validate cert chain if (x5c.length > 0) { throw new Error("cert chain not validated"); } this.audit.journal.add("x5c");
// make sure our root certs are loaded if (CertManager.getCerts().size === 0) { rootCertList.forEach((cert) => CertManager.addCert(cert)); }
// decode attestation cert const attCert = new Certificate(coerceToBase64(parsedAttCert, "parsedAttCert")); try { await attCert.verify(); } catch (err) { if (err.message === "Please provide issuer certificate as a parameter") { // err = new Error("Root attestation certificate for this token could not be found. Please contact your security key vendor."); this.audit.warning.set("attesation-not-validated", "could not validate attestation because the root attestation certification could not be found"); } else { throw err; } }
// https: // // cert MUST be x.509v3 if (attCert.getVersion() !== 3) { throw new Error("expected U2F attestation certificate to be x.509v3"); }
// save certificate warnings, info, and extensions in our audit information attCert.getExtensions().forEach((v, k) =>, v));, k) =>, v)); attCert.warning.forEach((v, k) => this.audit.warning.set(k, v)); this.audit.journal.add("attCert");
// // certificate public key is not an Elliptic Curve (EC) public key over the P-256 curve, terminate this algorithm and return an appropriate error const jwk = this.authnrData.get("credentialPublicKeyJwk"); if (jwk.kty !== "EC" || jwk.crv !== "P-256") { throw new Error("bad U2F key type"); }
// rpIdHash from authenticatorData, and the claimed credentialId and credentialPublicKey from authenticatorData.attestedCredentialData const rpIdHash = this.authnrData.get("rpIdHash"); const credId = this.authnrData.get("credId");
// create clientDataHash const rawClientData = this.clientData.get("rawClientDataJson"); const clientDataHash = abToBuf(await tools.hashDigest(abToBuf(rawClientData)));
// Convert the COSE_KEY formatted credentialPublicKey (see Section 7 of [RFC8152]) to CTAP1/U2F public Key format [FIDO-CTAP] // Let publicKeyU2F represent the result of the conversion operation and set its first byte to 0x04. Note: This signifies uncompressed ECC key format. // Extract the value corresponding to the "-2" key (representing x coordinate) from credentialPublicKey, confirm its size to be of 32 bytes and concatenate it with publicKeyU2F. If size differs or "-2" key is not found, terminate this algorithm and return an appropriate error. const x = coerceToArrayBuffer(jwk.x, "U2F public key x component"); if (x.byteLength !== 32) { throw new Error("U2F public key x component was wrong size"); }
// Extract the value corresponding to the "-3" key (representing y coordinate) from credentialPublicKey, confirm its size to be of 32 bytes and concatenate it with publicKeyU2F. If size differs or "-3" key is not found, terminate this algorithm and return an appropriate error. const y = coerceToArrayBuffer(jwk.y, "U2F public key y component"); if (y.byteLength !== 32) { throw new Error("U2F public key y component was wrong size"); }
// Let verificationData be the concatenation of (0x00 || rpIdHash || clientDataHash || credentialId || publicKeyU2F) (see Section 4.3 of [FIDO-U2F-Message-Formats]). const verificationData = new Uint8Array([ 0x00, Uint8Array(rpIdHash), Uint8Array(clientDataHash), Uint8Array(credId), 0x04, Uint8Array(x), Uint8Array(y), ]);
// Verify the sig using verificationData and certificate public key per [SEC1]. const sig = this.authnrData.get("sig"); const attCertPem = abToPem("CERTIFICATE", parsedAttCert);
// Get public key from cert const cert = new Certificate(attCertPem); const publicKey = await cert.getPublicKey();
const res = await tools.verifySignature( publicKey, abToBuf(sig), abToBuf(verificationData), "SHA-256", ); if (!res) { throw new Error("U2F attestation signature verification failed"); } this.audit.journal.add("sig");
// If successful, return attestation type Basic with the attestation trust path set to x5c."attestation-type", "basic");
this.audit.journal.add("fmt"); return true;}
const fidoU2fAttestation = { name: "fido-u2f", parseFn: fidoU2fParseFn, validateFn: fidoU2fValidateFn,};
export { fidoU2fAttestation };