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A node.js library for performing FIDO 2.0 / WebAuthn server functionality
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// Testing libimport { assert, use } from "chai";import * as chaiAsPromised from "chai-as-promised";
// Helpersimport { PublicKey, coseAlgToHashStr, coseAlgToStr, tools } from "../lib/main.js";
import * as h from "./helpers/fido2-helpers.js";import { cosePublicKey } from "./fixtures/cosePublicKey.js";
import { rsaPublicKey } from "./fixtures/rsaPublicKey.js";
describe("key utils", function() { describe("PublicKey", function() { describe("constructor", function() { let key; it("can create empty key", function() { key = new PublicKey(); assert.instanceOf(key, PublicKey); });
it("throws if trying to export empty key", () => { return assert.isRejected(key.toPem(), Error, "Key data not available"); });
it("throws if invalid argument is passed as key", function() { assert.throws( () => { const k = new PublicKey(); k.fromCryptoKey({ foo: "bar" }); }, TypeError, "Invalid argument passed to fromCryptoKey, should be instance of CryptoKey with type public", ); });
it("throws if trying to get non existant key", function() { assert.throws( () => { const k = new PublicKey(); k.getKey(); }, Error, "Key data not available", ); });
describe("rsa spki (base64 part only only)", function() { const k = new PublicKey(); it("throws", () => { return assert.isRejected( k.fromPem(cosePublicKey.examplePemBase64Only), Error, "Supplied key is not in PEM format", ); }); });
describe("rsa spki 2048 bits", function() { const k = new PublicKey(); it("can import", async () => { await k.fromPem(rsaPublicKey.pem2048); }); });
describe("rsa spki 4096 bits", function() { const k = new PublicKey(); it("can import", async () => { await k.fromPem(rsaPublicKey.pem4096, "SHA-384"); });
it("has key data", () => { assert.isDefined(k.getKey()); });
it("correctly identifies algorithm as RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 with and uses overriden hash algorithm SHA-384", () => { const alg = k.getAlgorithm(); assert.equal(, "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5"); assert.equal(, "SHA-384"); }); });
describe("rsa spki", function() { const k = new PublicKey(); it("can import", async () => { await k.fromPem(h.lib.assnPublicKey); }); it("has key data", () => { assert.isDefined(k.getKey()); }); it("correctly identifies algorithm as EDCDSA P-256", () => { const alg = k.getAlgorithm(); assert.instanceOf(alg, Object); assert.equal(, "ECDSA"); assert.equal(alg.namedCurve, "P-256"); }); it("can re-export to identical PEM (using original pem)", async () => { const pem = await k.toPem(); assert.equal(pem, h.lib.assnPublicKey); }); it("throws on exporting to jwk", () => { assert.throws( () => { k.toJwk(); }, Error, "No usable key information available", ); });
it("throws on exporting to cose", () => { assert.throws( () => { k.toCose(); }, Error, "No usable key information available", ); }); });
describe("can import ecdsa spki", function() { const k = new PublicKey(); it("can import", async () => { await k.fromPem(h.lib.assnPublicKeyWindowsHello); }); it("has key data", () => { assert.isDefined(k.getKey()); }); it("correctly identifies algorithm as RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 with and defaults to SHA-256 signature hash algorithm", () => { const alg = k.getAlgorithm(); assert.equal(, "RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5"); assert.equal(, "SHA-256"); }); it("can re-export to identical PEM (using original pem)", async () => { const pem = await k.toPem(); assert.equal(pem, h.lib.assnPublicKeyWindowsHello); }); });
describe("can import cose public key", function() { const k = new PublicKey(); it("can import", async () => { await k.fromCose(tools.base64.toArrayBuffer(cosePublicKey.exampleBase64)); }); it("has key data", () => { assert.isDefined(k.getKey()); }); it("correctly identifies algorithm as ECDSA P-256 with SHA-256 hash", () => { const alg = k.getAlgorithm(); assert.equal(, "ECDSA"); assert.equal(, "SHA-256"); assert.equal(alg.namedCurve, "P-256"); }); it("can export to jwk", () => { const jwk = k.toJwk(); assert.equal(jwk.alg, "ES256"); assert.equal(jwk.crv, "P-256"); }); it("can export to PEM", async () => { const pem = await k.toPem(); assert.equal(pem, cosePublicKey.examplePem); }); });
describe("throws on invalid cose data 1", function() { const k = new PublicKey(); return assert.isRejected( k.fromCose(tools.base64.toArrayBuffer(cosePublicKey.exampleInvalidBase64)), Error, "couldn't parse authenticator.authData.attestationData CBOR: Error: No packed values available", ); }); }); }); describe("coseAlgToHashStr", () => { it("Returns SHA1 for -65535", () => { assert.equal("SHA-1", coseAlgToHashStr(-65535)); }); it("Returns SHA1 for RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5_w_SHA384", () => { assert.equal("SHA-384", coseAlgToHashStr("RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5_w_SHA384")); }); it("Throws on undef", () => { assert.throws(() => { coseAlgToHashStr(); }, Error, "'alg' is not a string or a valid COSE algorithm number"); }); it("Throws on invalid data type", () => { assert.throws(() => { coseAlgToHashStr(new Date()); }, Error, "'alg' is not a string or a valid COSE algorithm number"); }); it("Throws on invalid numeric id", () => { assert.throws(() => { coseAlgToHashStr(-3123123); }, Error, "'alg' is not a valid COSE algorithm number"); }); it("Throws on invalid string id", () => { assert.throws(() => { coseAlgToHashStr("FOOBAR"); }, Error, "'alg' is not a valid COSE algorithm"); }); }); describe("coseAlgToStr", () => { it("Returns SHA1 for -65535", () => { assert.equal("RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5_w_SHA1", coseAlgToStr(-65535)); }); it("Throws on string representation", () => { assert.throws(() => { assert.equal("SHA-384", coseAlgToStr("RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5_w_SHA384")); }, Error, "expected 'alg' to be a number, got: RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5_w_SHA384"); }); it("Throws on undef", () => { assert.throws(() => { coseAlgToStr(); }, Error, "expected 'alg' to be a number, got: undefined"); }); it("Throws on invalid data type", () => { assert.throws(() => { coseAlgToStr(null); }, Error, "expected 'alg' to be a number, got: null"); }); it("Throws on invalid numeric id", () => { assert.throws(() => { coseAlgToStr(-3123123); }, Error, "'alg' is not a valid COSE algorithm number"); }); });});