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A node.js library for performing FIDO 2.0 / WebAuthn server functionality
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import * as tools from "./toolbox.js";
function ab2str(buf) { let str = ""; new Uint8Array(buf).forEach((ch) => { str += String.fromCharCode(ch); }); return str;}
function isBase64Url(str) { return !!str.match(/^[A-Za-z0-9\-_]+={0,2}$/);}
function isPem(pem) { if (typeof pem !== "string") { return false; }
const pemRegex = /^-----BEGIN .+-----$\n([A-Za-z0-9+/=]|\n)*^-----END .+-----$/m; return !!pem.match(pemRegex);}
function isPositiveInteger(n) { return n >>> 0 === parseFloat(n);}
function abToBuf(ab) { return new Uint8Array(ab).buffer;}
function abToInt(ab) { if (!(ab instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { throw new Error("abToInt: expected ArrayBuffer"); }
const buf = new Uint8Array(ab); let cnt = ab.byteLength - 1; let ret = 0; buf.forEach((byte) => { ret |= byte << (cnt * 8); cnt--; });
return ret;}
function abToPem(type, ab) { if (typeof type !== "string") { throw new Error( "abToPem expected 'type' to be string like 'CERTIFICATE', got: " + type, ); }
const str = coerceToBase64(ab, "pem buffer");
return [ `-----BEGIN ${type}-----\n`, ...str.match(/.{1,64}/g).map((s) => s + "\n"), `-----END ${type}-----\n`, ].join("");}
/** * Creates a new Uint8Array based on two different ArrayBuffers * * @private * @param {ArrayBuffers} buffer1 The first buffer. * @param {ArrayBuffers} buffer2 The second buffer. * @return {ArrayBuffers} The new ArrayBuffer created out of the two. */const appendBuffer = function(buffer1, buffer2) { const tmp = new Uint8Array(buffer1.byteLength + buffer2.byteLength); tmp.set(new Uint8Array(buffer1), 0); tmp.set(new Uint8Array(buffer2), buffer1.byteLength); return tmp.buffer;};
function coerceToArrayBuffer(buf, name) { if (!name) { throw new TypeError("name not specified in coerceToArrayBuffer"); }
// Handle empty strings if (typeof buf === "string" && buf === "") { buf = new Uint8Array(0);
// Handle base64url and base64 strings } else if (typeof buf === "string") { // base64 to base64url buf = buf.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace("=", ""); // base64 to Buffer buf = tools.base64.toArrayBuffer(buf, true); }
// Extract typed array from Array if (Array.isArray(buf)) { buf = new Uint8Array(buf); }
// Extract ArrayBuffer from Node buffer if (typeof Buffer !== "undefined" && buf instanceof Buffer) { buf = new Uint8Array(buf); buf = buf.buffer; }
// Extract arraybuffer from TypedArray if (buf instanceof Uint8Array) { buf = buf.slice(0, buf.byteLength, buf.buffer.byteOffset).buffer; }
// error if none of the above worked if (!(buf instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { throw new TypeError(`could not coerce '${name}' to ArrayBuffer`); }
return buf;}
function coerceToBase64(thing, name) { if (!name) { throw new TypeError("name not specified in coerceToBase64"); }
if (typeof thing !== "string") { try { thing = tools.base64.fromArrayBuffer( coerceToArrayBuffer(thing, name), ); } catch (_err) { throw new Error(`could not coerce '${name}' to string`); } }
return thing;}
function str2ab(str) { const buf = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); const bufView = new Uint8Array(buf); for (let i = 0, strLen = str.length; i < strLen; i++) { bufView[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return buf;}
function coerceToBase64Url(thing, name) { if (!name) { throw new TypeError("name not specified in coerceToBase64"); }
if (typeof thing === "string") { // Convert from base64 to base64url thing = thing.replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/={0,2}$/g, ""); }
if (typeof thing !== "string") { try { thing = tools.base64.fromArrayBuffer( coerceToArrayBuffer(thing, name), true, ); } catch (_err) { throw new Error(`could not coerce '${name}' to string`); } }
return thing;}
// Merged with previous arrayBufferEqualsfunction arrayBufferEquals(b1, b2) { if ( !(b1 instanceof ArrayBuffer) || !(b2 instanceof ArrayBuffer) ) { return false; }
if (b1.byteLength !== b2.byteLength) { return false; } b1 = new Uint8Array(b1); b2 = new Uint8Array(b2); for (let i = 0; i < b1.byteLength; i++) { if (b1[i] !== b2[i]) return false; } return true;}
function abToHex(ab) { if (!(ab instanceof ArrayBuffer)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid argument passed to abToHex"); } const result = new Uint8Array(ab), (x) => ("00" + x.toString(16)).slice(-2), ).join("");
return result;}
function b64ToJsObject(b64, desc) { return JSON.parse(ab2str(coerceToArrayBuffer(b64, desc)));}
function jsObjectToB64(obj) { return tools.base64.fromString( JSON.stringify(obj).replace(/[\u{0080}-\u{FFFF}]/gu, ""), );}
function pemToBase64(pem) { // Clean up base64 string if (typeof pem === "string" || pem instanceof String) { pem = pem.replace(/\r/g, ""); } if (!isPem(pem)) { throw new Error("expected PEM string as input"); }
// Remove trailing \n pem = pem.replace(/\n$/, "");
// Split on \n let pemArr = pem.split("\n");
// remove first and last lines pemArr = pemArr.slice(1, pemArr.length - 1); return pemArr.join("");}
export { arrayBufferEquals, abToBuf, abToHex, abToInt, abToPem, ab2str, appendBuffer, b64ToJsObject, coerceToArrayBuffer, coerceToBase64, coerceToBase64Url, isBase64Url, isPem, isPositiveInteger, jsObjectToB64, pemToBase64, str2ab, tools};