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Get File Extension

Code Coverage Deno Doc

Get the extension of a file.


The API is the same on all this platforms βœ”οΈ

Deno πŸ¦•

import { fileExtension } from "";

fileExtension(""); // py

Node.js πŸ’πŸš€

import { fileExtension } from "@ultirequiem/file-extension";

Browser 🌐

You can use any CDN πŸ”₯

Eg πŸ‘‰ ESM ↔️ SkyPack πŸ†š Script Tag ↔️ JSDelivr


Is hosted on Deno Doc πŸ“„


Open an Issue, I will check it a soon as possible πŸ‘€

If you want to hurry me up a bit send me a tweet πŸ˜†

Consider supporting me on Patreon if you like my work πŸ™

Don’t forget to start the repo ⭐


We use Semantic Versioning. For the versions available, see the tags 🏷️


Licensed under the MIT License πŸ“„