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A file-server command.
// Importsimport { ms } from "";import { Command } from "";import { grantOrThrow } from "";import { resolve } from "";import { server } from "./mod.ts";
const _ = await new Command() .name("file-server") .description("An on the go file-server.") .option("-d, --debug", "Show debug information.") .option("-p, --port <port:number>", "The port to run the file server on.") .option("-H, --host <host:string>", "The host to run the file server on.") .option("-c, --cert <file:string>", "TLS certificate file (enables TLS).") .option("-k, --key <file:string>", "TLS key file (enables TLS).") .option("-i, --index <name:string>", "An index file, if entering a directory.", { collect: true }) .option("-L, --lifetime <time:string>", "The cache lifetime (default 30m).") .option("--cache", "Cache resources.") .option("-e, --ejs", "Enable Embedded-JavaScript") .option("-t, --typescript", "Use Deno's bundler to parse typescript files.") .option("-C, --cors", "Enable CORS via the \"Access-Control-Allow-Origin\" header.") .option("-N, --no-indexing", "Disable directory listing.") .option("-n, --no-color", "Disable colors in logs.") .option("-l, --no-logging", "Disable logging.") .arguments("[directory]") .action(async ( { port, host, noColor, cert, key, cors, index, noIndexing, noLogging, ejs, debug, cache, typescript, lifetime }: { port?: number, host?: string, noColor?: boolean, cert?: string, key?: string, cors?: boolean, index?: string[], noIndexing?: boolean, noLogging?: boolean, ejs?: boolean, debug?: boolean, cache?: boolean, typescript?: boolean, lifetime?: string }, directory?: string ) => {
const cwd = Deno.cwd(); await Deno.permissions.revoke({ name: "read", path: "." }); await Deno.permissions.revoke({ name: "read", path: cwd }); if (!directory) directory = cwd; directory = resolve(cwd, directory); await grantOrThrow({ name: "read", path: directory });
const PORT = port ?? 0; const HOST = host ?? ""; const colors = noColor !== true; const enableCors = cors === true; const enableIndexing = noIndexing !== true; const enableLogging = noLogging !== true; const enableEJS = ejs === true; const enableTS = typescript === true; const CERT = cert ?? ""; const KEY = key ?? ""; const indexes = [...(enableEJS ? ["index.ejs"] : []), "index.html", ...(index ?? [])]; const debugging = debug === true; const caching = cache === true; const lms = ((_: number = 30_000_000) => { if (lifetime && /^([0-9]+|0x[0-9a-z]+|0o[0-7]+|0b[01]+)$/gi.test(lifetime)) return Number(lifetime) * 1000; if (lifetime) return ms(lifetime) as number || _; return _; })();
if (CERT || KEY) { if (CERT === "" || KEY === "") throw new Error("Both cert and key must be defined to use TLS!"); await grantOrThrow( { name: "read", path: CERT }, { name: "read", path: KEY } ); }
await grantOrThrow({ name: "net" });
await server({ directory, port: PORT, host: HOST, cert: CERT, key: KEY, cache: caching, lifetime: lms, cors: enableCors, indexing: enableIndexing, indexes, ejs: enableEJS, typescript: enableTS, logging: enableLogging, debug: debugging, colors }).catch(console.error); }) .parse();