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const RecurseData = require('./recurse-data')const Weighting = require('./weighting')const PrngMethods = require('./prng-methods')const { type } = require('./utils')
// define main constructor functionfunction Moon (seedin) { /* initialise seed */
// set initial seed from constructor function initialisation argument, or random integer const initseed = seedin !== undefined ? seedin : Math.floor(Math.random() * 1e8)
/* weighting */
// define weighting method this.weighting = Weighting(this)
/* initialise PRNG */
const { state, reseed, random } = PrngMethods(this, initseed)
this.state = state this.random = random this.reseed = reseed
/* data builder */
// TODO: perhaps build instance data instead of section input, and call functions with that? const { recurseData, handleFunction } = RecurseData(fiona, initseed, this)
// define main data variable let data = null
// define data builder method = input => { if (type(input) === 'Function') { input = input(handleFunction('() => data', data)) }
// TODO: handle mixed input types on multiple data calls switch (type(input)) { case 'Array': data = recurseData((data || []).concat(input), `data[${(data || []).length}]`); break case 'Object': data = recurseData(Object.assign({}, data || {}, input), 'data'); break // TODO: does it make sense to return stuff we don't recognise, or just throw? default: data = input }
return data }
// define data chaining method this.chain = input => { return this }
// define value method to get data off chain this.value = () => data
// define callback method to execute arbitrary expressions in a chain this.callback = cb => cb.bind(this)(data, this)
/* info */
// define info method to report initial seed = () => ({ initseed })
/* clone */
// define clone method to fork current state this.clone = () => fiona(initseed).state(this.state())
return this}
// define main functionconst fiona = (...args) => new Moon(...args)
// TODO: add some babel replace function to update version string// define library versionfiona.version = '__VERSION__'
// set up self referencial prototype chain with jQuery like plugin architecturefiona.fn = Moon.prototype = { constructor: Moon }
fiona.plugin = (name, fn) => fiona.fn[name] = function (...args) { return fn({ seeded: this }, ...args) } = (cmd, ...args) => ({ seeded }) => seeded[cmd](...args)
// export the main functionmodule.exports = fiona