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This is a work in progress

This is a Deno library that is largely a port of the Ruby fitreader library. It is capable of parsing and decoding .FIT files, which are a binary data format used by GPS devices and various sensors. It should be noted, it has only been tested and proven to support my Garmin Venu .FIT files and a few .FTI files that I found in other repositories. YMMV.

It has a very small API footprint, exposing a single class which is capable of handling all of the processing.


See mod.ts:

// runner.ts
import { BinaryReader } from "";

import { Fit } from "./fit.ts";

const filename = Deno.args[0];
const file = Deno.openSync(filename);
const buf = Deno.readAllSync(file);

const io = new BinaryReader(buf);
const fit = new Fit(io);
$  deno run --allow-read runner.ts