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import { IFlagshipConfig } from '../config/index.ts'import { BUCKETING_API_CONTEXT_URL, BUCKETING_API_URL, FlagshipStatus, HEADER_APPLICATION_JSON, HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE, HEADER_X_API_KEY, HEADER_X_SDK_CLIENT, HEADER_X_SDK_VERSION, REQUEST_TIME_OUT, SDK_LANGUAGE, SDK_VERSION } from '../enum/index.ts'import { primitive } from '../types.ts'import { IHttpClient, IHttpResponse } from '../utils/HttpClient.ts'import { MurmurHash } from '../utils/MurmurHash.ts'import { logError, logInfo, sprintf } from '../utils/utils.ts'import { VisitorAbstract } from '../visitor/VisitorAbstract.ts'import { BucketingDTO, Targetings, VariationGroupDTO } from './api/bucketingDTO.ts'import { CampaignDTO, VariationDTO } from './api/models.ts'import { DecisionManager } from './DecisionManager.ts'
export class BucketingManager extends DecisionManager { private _bucketingContent!: BucketingDTO private _lastModified!: string private _isPooling!: boolean private _murmurHash: MurmurHash private _isFirstPooling: boolean // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any private _intervalID!: any
public constructor (httpClient: IHttpClient, config: IFlagshipConfig, murmurHash: MurmurHash) { super(httpClient, config) this._murmurHash = murmurHash this._isFirstPooling = true if (config.initialBucketing) { this._bucketingContent = config.initialBucketing } }
private finishLoop (response: IHttpResponse) { if (response.status === 200) { this._bucketingContent = response.body }
if (response.headers && response.headers['last-modified']) { const lastModified = response.headers['last-modified']
if (this._lastModified !== lastModified && this.config.onBucketingUpdated) { this.config.onBucketingUpdated(new Date(lastModified)) } this._lastModified = lastModified }
if (this._isFirstPooling) { this._isFirstPooling = false this.updateFlagshipStatus(FlagshipStatus.READY) }
if (typeof this.config.onBucketingSuccess === 'function') { this.config.onBucketingSuccess({ status: response.status, payload: this._bucketingContent }) }
this._isPooling = false }
async startPolling (): Promise<void> { const timeout = (this.config.pollingInterval ?? REQUEST_TIME_OUT) * 1000 logInfo(this.config, 'Bucketing polling starts', 'startPolling') await this.polling() if (timeout === 0) { return } this._intervalID = setInterval(() => { this.polling() }, timeout) }
private async polling () { if (this._isPooling) { return } this._isPooling = true if (this._isFirstPooling) { this.updateFlagshipStatus(FlagshipStatus.POLLING) } try { const url = sprintf(BUCKETING_API_URL, this.config.envId) const headers: Record<string, string> = { [HEADER_X_API_KEY]: `${this.config.apiKey}`, [HEADER_X_SDK_CLIENT]:, [HEADER_X_SDK_VERSION]: SDK_VERSION, [HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE]: HEADER_APPLICATION_JSON }
if (this._lastModified) { headers['if-modified-since'] = this._lastModified }
const response = await this._httpClient.getAsync(url, { headers, timeout: this.config.timeout })
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } catch (error: any) { this._isPooling = false logError(this.config, error, 'startPolling') if (this._isFirstPooling) { this.updateFlagshipStatus(FlagshipStatus.NOT_INITIALIZED) } if (typeof this.config.onBucketingFail === 'function') { this.config.onBucketingFail(new Error(error)) } } }
public stopPolling (): void { clearInterval(this._intervalID) this._isPooling = false logInfo(this.config, 'Bucketing polling stopped', 'stopPolling') }
private async sendContext (visitor: VisitorAbstract): Promise<void> { try { if (Object.keys(visitor.context).length <= 3) { return } const url = sprintf(BUCKETING_API_CONTEXT_URL, this.config.envId) const headers: Record<string, string> = { [HEADER_X_API_KEY]: `${this.config.apiKey}`, [HEADER_X_SDK_CLIENT]:, [HEADER_X_SDK_VERSION]: SDK_VERSION, [HEADER_CONTENT_TYPE]: HEADER_APPLICATION_JSON } const body = { visitorId: visitor.visitorId, type: 'CONTEXT', data: visitor.context } await this._httpClient.postAsync(url, { headers, body, timeout: this.config.timeout }) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any } catch (error: any) { logError(this.config, error.message || error, 'sendContext') } }
async getCampaignsAsync (visitor: VisitorAbstract): Promise<CampaignDTO[]|null> { if (!this._bucketingContent) { return null } if (this._bucketingContent.panic) { this.panic = true return [] } this.panic = false
if (!this._bucketingContent.campaigns) { return null }
const visitorCampaigns: CampaignDTO[] = []
this._bucketingContent.campaigns.forEach(campaign => { const currentCampaigns = this.getVisitorCampaigns(campaign.variationGroups,, campaign.type, visitor) if (currentCampaigns) { currentCampaigns.slug = campaign.slug visitorCampaigns.push(currentCampaigns) } }) return visitorCampaigns }
private getVisitorCampaigns (variationGroups: VariationGroupDTO[], campaignId: string, campaignType: string, visitor: VisitorAbstract): CampaignDTO | null { for (const variationGroup of variationGroups) { const check = this.isMatchTargeting(variationGroup, visitor) if (check) { const variation = this.getVariation( variationGroup, visitor ) if (!variation) { return null } return { id: campaignId, variation, variationGroupId:, type: campaignType } } } return null }
private getVariation (variationGroup: VariationGroupDTO, visitor: VisitorAbstract): VariationDTO | null { const hash = this._murmurHash.murmurHash3Int32( + visitor.visitorId) const hashAllocation = hash % 100 let totalAllocation = 0
for (const variation of variationGroup.variations) { const assignmentsHistory = visitor.visitorCache?.data?.assignmentsHistory const cacheVariationId = assignmentsHistory ? assignmentsHistory[] : null if (cacheVariationId) { const newVariation = variationGroup.variations.find(x => === cacheVariationId) if (!newVariation) { continue } return { id:, modifications: newVariation.modifications, reference: newVariation.reference } }
if (variation.allocation === undefined) { continue } totalAllocation += variation.allocation
if (hashAllocation <= totalAllocation) { return { id:, modifications: variation.modifications, reference: variation.reference } } } return null }
private isMatchTargeting (variationGroup: VariationGroupDTO, visitor: VisitorAbstract): boolean { if (!variationGroup || !variationGroup.targeting || !variationGroup.targeting.targetingGroups) { return false } return variationGroup.targeting.targetingGroups.some( targetingGroup => this.checkAndTargeting(targetingGroup.targetings, visitor) ) }
private isANDListOperator (operator: string): boolean { return ['NOT_EQUALS', 'NOT_CONTAINS'].includes(operator) }
private checkAndTargeting (targetings: Targetings[], visitor: VisitorAbstract): boolean { let contextValue: primitive let check = false
for (const { key, value, operator } of targetings) { if (key === 'fs_all_users') { check = true continue } if (key === 'fs_users') { contextValue = visitor.visitorId } else { if (!(key in visitor.context)) { check = false break } contextValue = visitor.context[key] }
check = this.testOperator(operator, contextValue, value)
if (!check) { break } } return check }
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any private testListOperatorLoop (operator: string, contextValue: primitive, value: any[], initialCheck: boolean) { let check = initialCheck for (const v of value) { check = this.testOperator(operator, contextValue, v) if (check !== initialCheck) { break } } return check }
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any private testListOperator (operator: string, contextValue: primitive, value: any[]): boolean { const andOperator = this.isANDListOperator(operator) if (andOperator) { return this.testListOperatorLoop(operator, contextValue, value, true) } return this.testListOperatorLoop(operator, contextValue, value, false) }
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any private testOperator (operator: string, contextValue: primitive, value: any): boolean { let check: boolean if (Array.isArray(value)) { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any return this.testListOperator(operator, contextValue, value) } switch (operator) { case 'EQUALS': check = contextValue === value break case 'NOT_EQUALS': check = contextValue !== value break case 'CONTAINS': check = contextValue.toString().includes(value.toString()) break case 'NOT_CONTAINS': check = !contextValue.toString().includes(value.toString()) break case 'GREATER_THAN': check = contextValue > value break case 'LOWER_THAN': check = contextValue < value break case 'GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUALS': check = contextValue >= value break case 'LOWER_THAN_OR_EQUALS': check = contextValue <= value break case 'STARTS_WITH': check = contextValue.toString().startsWith(value.toString()) break case 'ENDS_WITH': check = contextValue.toString().endsWith(value.toString()) break default: check = false break }
return check }}