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interface IVisitor
import { type IVisitor } from "";


visitorId: string
anonymousId: string | null
flagsData: Map<string, FlagDTO>
modifications: Map<string, Modification>
context: Record<string, primitive>
hasConsented: boolean

Return True or False if the visitor has consented for protected data usage.


getModificationsArray(): FlagDTO[]
getFlagsDataArray(): FlagDTO[]

Return an array of all flags fetched for the current visitor

setConsent(hasConsented: boolean): void

Set if visitor has consented for protected data usage.

updateContext(context: Record<string, primitive>): void

Update the visitor context values, matching the given keys, used for targeting.

A new context value associated with this key will be created if there is no previous matching value.

Context keys must be String, and values types must be one of the following : Number, Boolean, String.

updateContext(key: string, value: primitive): void

Update the visitor context values, matching the given keys, used for targeting.

A new context value associated with this key will be created if there is no previous matching value.

clearContext(): void

clear the actual visitor context

getModification<T>(params: modificationsRequested<T>): Promise<T>

Retrieve a modification value by key. If no modification match the given key or if the stored value type and default value type do not match, default value will be returned.

getFlag<T>(key: string, defaultValue: T): IFlag<T>

Return a Flag object by its key. If no flag match the given key an empty flag will be returned.

getModifications<T>(params: modificationsRequested<T>[], activateAll?: boolean): Promise<Record<string, T>>

Retrieve an array of modification value by keys. If no modification match the given key or if the stored value type and default value type do not match, an array of default value will be returned.

getModificationSync<T>(params: modificationsRequested<T>): T

Retrieve a modification value by key. If no modification match the given key or if the stored value type and default value type do not match, default value will be returned.

getModificationsSync<T>(params: modificationsRequested<T>[], activateAll?: boolean): Record<string, T>

Retrieve an array of modification value by keys. If no modification match the given key or if the stored value type and default value type do not match, an array of default value will be returned.

getModificationInfo(key: string): Promise<FlagDTO | null>

Get the campaign modification information value matching the given key.

getModificationInfoSync(key: string): FlagDTO | null

Get the campaign modification information value matching the given key.

synchronizeModifications(): Promise<void>

This function calls the decision api and update all the campaigns modifications from the server according to the visitor context.

fetchFlags(): Promise<void>

This function calls the decision api and update all the campaigns modifications from the server according to the visitor context.

activateModification(key: string): Promise<void>

Report this user has seen this modification.

activateModifications(keys: { key: string; }[]): Promise<void>

Report this user has seen these modifications.

activateModifications(keys: string[]): Promise<void>

Report this user has seen these modifications.

sendHit(hit: HitAbstract): Promise<void>

Send a Hit to Flagship servers for reporting.

sendHit(hit: IHit): Promise<void>
sendHit(hit: HitShape): Promise<void>

Send a Hit to Flagship servers for reporting.

sendHits(hit: Array<HitAbstract>): Promise<void>

Send Hits to Flagship servers for reporting.

sendHits(hit: Array<IHit>): Promise<void>
sendHits(hit: Array<HitShape>): Promise<void>

Send Hits to Flagship servers for reporting.

getAllModifications(activate: boolean): Promise<{ visitorId: string; campaigns: CampaignDTO[]; }>

returns a Promise containing all the data for all the campaigns associated with the current visitor.

getAllFlagsData(activate: boolean): Promise<{ visitorId: string; campaigns: CampaignDTO[]; }>

returns a Promise containing all the data for all the campaigns associated with the current visitor.

getModificationsForCampaign(campaignId: string, activate: boolean): Promise<{ visitorId: string; campaigns: CampaignDTO[]; }>

Get data for a specific campaign.

getFlatsDataForCampaign(campaignId: string, activate: boolean): Promise<{ visitorId: string; campaigns: CampaignDTO[]; }>

Get data for a specific campaign.

authenticate(visitorId: string): void

Authenticate anonymous visitor

unauthenticate(): void

This function change authenticated Visitor to anonymous visitor