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import { BucketingDTO } from '../decision/api/bucketingDTO.ts'import { BASE_API_URL, DEFAULT_DEDUPLICATION_TIME, FETCH_FLAG_BUFFERING_DEFAULT_TIME, FlagshipStatus, LogLevel, REQUEST_TIME_OUT, SDK_INFO, TYPE_ERROR } from '../enum/index.ts'import { IHitCacheImplementation } from '../cache/IHitCacheImplementation.ts'import { IFlagshipLogManager } from '../utils/FlagshipLogManager.ts'import { logError, sprintf } from '../utils/utils.ts'import { IVisitorCacheImplementation } from '../cache/IVisitorCacheImplementation.ts'import { ITrackingManagerConfig, TrackingManagerConfig } from './TrackingManagerConfig.ts'import { OnVisitorExposed, UserExposureInfo } from '../types.ts'import { version as SDK_VERSION } from '../sdkVersion.ts'import { IFlagshipConfig } from './IFlagshipConfig.ts'import { DecisionMode } from './DecisionMode.ts'
export const statusChangeError = 'statusChangedCallback must be a function'
export abstract class FlagshipConfig implements IFlagshipConfig { private _envId?: string private _apiKey?: string protected _decisionMode: DecisionMode private _timeout!: number private _logLevel!: LogLevel private _statusChangedCallback?: (status: FlagshipStatus) => void private _logManager!: IFlagshipLogManager private _fetchNow!: boolean private _pollingInterval!: number private _onBucketingFail?: (error: Error) => void private _onBucketingSuccess?: (param: { status: number; payload: BucketingDTO }) => void private _onBucketingUpdated?: (lastUpdate: Date) => void private _enableClientCache!: boolean private _initialBucketing?: BucketingDTO private _decisionApiUrl!: string private _hitDeduplicationTime!: number private _visitorCacheImplementation!: IVisitorCacheImplementation private _hitCacheImplementation!: IHitCacheImplementation private _disableCache!: boolean private _trackingManagerConfig : ITrackingManagerConfig private _onUserExposure? : (param: UserExposureInfo)=>void private _onVisitorExposed?:(arg: OnVisitorExposed)=> void private _fetchThirdPartyData : boolean|undefined private _nextFetchConfig? : Record<string, unknown> private _fetchFlagsBufferingTime? : number private _enableAnalytics? : boolean
public get disableDeveloperUsageTracking () : boolean|undefined { return this._enableAnalytics }
public set disableDeveloperUsageTracking (v : boolean|undefined) { this._enableAnalytics = v }
public get fetchFlagsBufferingTime () : number|undefined { return this._fetchFlagsBufferingTime }
public set fetchFlagsBufferingTime (v : number|undefined) { this._fetchFlagsBufferingTime = v }
public get nextFetchConfig () : Record<string, unknown>|undefined { return this._nextFetchConfig }
public set nextFetchConfig (v : Record<string, unknown>|undefined) { this._nextFetchConfig = v }
public get fetchThirdPartyData () : boolean|undefined { return this._fetchThirdPartyData }
public set fetchThirdPartyData (v : boolean|undefined) { this._fetchThirdPartyData = v }
public get trackingManagerConfig () : ITrackingManagerConfig { return this._trackingManagerConfig }
private _onLog? : (level: LogLevel, tag: string, message: string)=>void
public get onLog () : ((level: LogLevel, tag: string, message: string)=>void)|undefined { return this._onLog }
public set onLog (v :((level: LogLevel, tag: string, message: string)=>void)|undefined) { this._onLog = v }
public get onUserExposure () : ((param: UserExposureInfo)=>void)|undefined { return this._onUserExposure }
public get onVisitorExposed (): ((arg: OnVisitorExposed) => void) | undefined { return this._onVisitorExposed }
protected constructor (param: IFlagshipConfig) { const { envId, apiKey, timeout, logLevel, logManager, statusChangedCallback, fetchNow, decisionMode, enableClientCache, initialBucketing, decisionApiUrl, hitDeduplicationTime, visitorCacheImplementation, hitCacheImplementation, disableCache, language, onUserExposure, sdkVersion, trackingMangerConfig, trackingManagerConfig, onLog, onVisitorExposed, nextFetchConfig, fetchFlagsBufferingTime, disableDeveloperUsageTracking } = param
this.initSDKInfo(language, sdkVersion)
if (logManager) { this.logManager = logManager }
this.fetchFlagsBufferingTime = fetchFlagsBufferingTime ?? FETCH_FLAG_BUFFERING_DEFAULT_TIME this.nextFetchConfig = nextFetchConfig || { revalidate: 20 } this._trackingManagerConfig = new TrackingManagerConfig(trackingManagerConfig || trackingMangerConfig || {}) this.onLog = onLog this.decisionApiUrl = decisionApiUrl || BASE_API_URL this._envId = envId this._apiKey = apiKey this.logLevel = logLevel ?? LogLevel.ALL this.timeout = timeout || REQUEST_TIME_OUT this.fetchNow = typeof fetchNow === 'undefined' || fetchNow this.enableClientCache = typeof enableClientCache === 'undefined' || enableClientCache this._decisionMode = decisionMode || DecisionMode.DECISION_API this._initialBucketing = initialBucketing this.hitDeduplicationTime = hitDeduplicationTime ?? DEFAULT_DEDUPLICATION_TIME this.disableCache = !!disableCache this.disableDeveloperUsageTracking = disableDeveloperUsageTracking || false
if (visitorCacheImplementation) { this.visitorCacheImplementation = visitorCacheImplementation } if (hitCacheImplementation) { this.hitCacheImplementation = hitCacheImplementation }
this.statusChangedCallback = statusChangedCallback this._onUserExposure = onUserExposure this._onVisitorExposed = onVisitorExposed }
protected initSDKInfo (language?:number, sdkVersion?:string) { switch (language) { case 1: = 'ReactJS' SDK_INFO.version = sdkVersion ?? SDK_VERSION break case 2: = 'React-Native' SDK_INFO.version = sdkVersion ?? SDK_VERSION break default: = (typeof window !== 'undefined' && 'Deno' in window) ? 'Deno' : 'Typescript' SDK_INFO.version = SDK_VERSION break } }
public get initialBucketing (): BucketingDTO | undefined { return this._initialBucketing }
public set initialBucketing (v: BucketingDTO | undefined) { this._initialBucketing = v }
public get enableClientCache (): boolean { return this._enableClientCache }
public set enableClientCache (v: boolean) { this._enableClientCache = v }
public get onBucketingSuccess (): ((param: { status: number; payload: BucketingDTO }) => void) | undefined { return this._onBucketingSuccess }
public set onBucketingSuccess (v: ((param: { status: number; payload: BucketingDTO }) => void) | undefined) { this._onBucketingSuccess = v }
public get onBucketingFail (): ((error: Error) => void) | undefined { return this._onBucketingFail }
public set onBucketingFail (v: ((error: Error) => void) | undefined) { this._onBucketingFail = v }
public get onBucketingUpdated (): ((lastUpdate: Date) => void) | undefined { return this._onBucketingUpdated }
public set onBucketingUpdated (v: ((lastUpdate: Date) => void) | undefined) { this._onBucketingUpdated = v }
public set envId (value: string | undefined) { this._envId = value }
public get envId (): string | undefined { return this._envId }
public set apiKey (value: string | undefined) { this._apiKey = value }
public get apiKey (): string | undefined { return this._apiKey }
public get decisionMode (): DecisionMode { return this._decisionMode }
public get timeout (): number { return this._timeout }
public set timeout (value: number) { this._timeout = value }
public get logLevel (): LogLevel { return this._logLevel }
public set logLevel (value: LogLevel) { this._logLevel = value }
public get fetchNow (): boolean { return this._fetchNow }
public set fetchNow (v: boolean) { this._fetchNow = v }
public get pollingInterval (): number { return this._pollingInterval }
public set pollingInterval (v: number) { this._pollingInterval = v }
public get hitDeduplicationTime (): number { return this._hitDeduplicationTime }
public set hitDeduplicationTime (v: number) { if (typeof v !== 'number') { logError(this, sprintf(TYPE_ERROR, 'hitDeduplicationTime', 'number'), 'hitDeduplicationTime') return } this._hitDeduplicationTime = v }
public get visitorCacheImplementation (): IVisitorCacheImplementation { return this._visitorCacheImplementation }
public set visitorCacheImplementation (v: IVisitorCacheImplementation) { this._visitorCacheImplementation = v }
public get hitCacheImplementation (): IHitCacheImplementation { return this._hitCacheImplementation }
public set hitCacheImplementation (v: IHitCacheImplementation) { this._hitCacheImplementation = v }
public get disableCache (): boolean { return this._disableCache }
public set disableCache (v: boolean) { this._disableCache = v }
public get statusChangedCallback (): ((status: FlagshipStatus) => void) | undefined { return this._statusChangedCallback }
public set statusChangedCallback (fn: ((status: FlagshipStatus) => void) | undefined) { if (fn && typeof fn !== 'function') { logError(this, statusChangeError, 'statusChangedCallback') return } this._statusChangedCallback = fn }
public get logManager (): IFlagshipLogManager { return this._logManager }
public set logManager (value: IFlagshipLogManager) { this._logManager = value }
public get decisionApiUrl (): string { return this._decisionApiUrl }
public set decisionApiUrl (v: string) { if (typeof v !== 'string') { logError(this, sprintf(TYPE_ERROR, 'decisionApiUrl', 'string'), 'decisionApiUrl') return } this._decisionApiUrl = v }}