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This is the command line interface for FluentCI.
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import { Command } from "cliffy/command";import run from "./src/cmd/run.ts";import init from "./src/cmd/init.ts";import search from "./src/cmd/search.ts";import upgrade, { checkForUpdate } from "./src/cmd/upgrade.ts";import listJobs from "./src/cmd/list.ts";import generateWorkflow from "./src/cmd/github.ts";import generateGitlabCIConfig from "./src/cmd/gitlab.ts";import generateAWSCodePipelineConfig from "./src/cmd/aws.ts";import generateAzurePipelinesConfig from "./src/cmd/azure.ts";import generateCircleCIConfig from "./src/cmd/circleci.ts";import docs from "./src/cmd/docs.ts";import cache from "./src/cmd/cache.ts";import doctor from "./src/cmd/doctor.ts";import showEnvs from "./src/cmd/env.ts";import login from "./src/cmd/login.ts";import publish from "./src/cmd/publish.ts";import startAgent, { listAgents } from "./src/cmd/agent.ts";import whoami from "./src/cmd/whoami.ts";import { brightGreen } from "./deps.ts";import { VERSION } from "./src/consts.ts";import repl from "./src/cmd/repl.ts";
export async function main() { await new Command() .name("fluentci") .version(VERSION) .description( ` . ______ __ _________ / __/ /_ _____ ___ / /_/ ___/ _/ / _// / // / -_) _ \\/ __/ /___/ / /_/ /_/\\_,_/\\__/_//_/\\__/\\___/___/ FluentCI CLI - An Open Source CI/CD tool written in TypeScript (Deno) based on Dagger ` ) .arguments("[pipeline:string] [jobs...:string]") .option("-r, --reload", "Reload pipeline source cache") .option("-w, --wasm", "Run pipeline as WebAssembly Module") .option("-*, --* [args:string]", "Pass arguments to pipeline") .action(function (options, pipeline, [string, ...Array<string>]) { if (options.wasm) { Deno.args.findIndex((arg) => arg === pipeline); const args = Deno.args.slice( Deno.args.findIndex((arg) => arg === pipeline) + 1 ); run(pipeline || ".", args, options); return; } run(pipeline || ".", jobs, options); }) .command("run", "Run a pipeline") .arguments("<pipeline:string> [jobs...:string]") .option("-r, --reload", "Reload pipeline source cache") .option("-w, --wasm", "Run pipeline as WebAssembly Module") .option("-*, --* [args:string]", "Pass arguments to pipeline") .action(function (options, pipeline, [string, ...Array<string>]) { if (pipeline.endsWith(".wasm") || pipeline.endsWith("?wasm=1")) { options.wasm = true; }
if (options.wasm) { Deno.args.findIndex((arg) => arg === pipeline); const args = Deno.args.slice( Deno.args.findIndex((arg) => arg === pipeline) + 1 ); run(pipeline, args, options); return; } run(pipeline, jobs, options); }) .command("init", "Initialize a new pipeline") .arguments("[pipeline-name:string]") .option("-t, --template <template>", "Initialize pipeline from template") .option( "-s, --standalone", "Initialize pipeline as standalone project, so it can be published and reused in other projects" ) .option("-w, --wasm", "Initialize pipeline as WebAssembly Module") .action(async function (options, pipeline) { await init(options, pipeline); }) .command("search", "Search for reusable pipelines") .option( "-l, --limit <limit:number>", "Limit the number of results, default: 100", { default: 100 } ) .arguments("<query:string>") .action(async function (options, query) { await search(query, options); }) .command("upgrade", "Upgrade FluentCI CLI to the latest version") .action(async () => { await upgrade(); }) .command( "cache [pipeline:string]", "Cache remote dependencies of a pipeline" ) .option("--lock-write", "Update lock file") .action(async function ({ lockWrite }, pipeline) { await cache(pipeline, lockWrite); }) .command("ls, list", "List all jobs in a pipeline") .arguments("[pipeline:string]") .action(async (_, pipeline) => { await listJobs(pipeline); }) .command( "gh, github", new Command() .command("init", "Initialize a new GitHub Actions workflow") .option( "-t, --template <template>", "Initialize GitHub Action workflow from template" ) .option("-r, --reload", "Reload pipeline source cache") .action(async function ({ template, reload }) { await generateWorkflow(template, reload); }) ) .description("GitHub Actions integration") .action(function () { this.showHelp(); }) .command( "gl, gitlab", new Command() .command("init", "Initialize a new GitLab CI configuration") .option( "-t, --template <template>", "Initialize GitLab CI from template" ) .option("-r, --reload", "Reload pipeline source cache") .action(async function ({ template, reload }) { await generateGitlabCIConfig(template, reload); }) ) .description("GitLab CI integration") .action(function () { this.showHelp(); }) .command( "cci, circleci", new Command() .command("init", "Initialize a new CircleCI configuration") .option( "-t, --template <template>", "Initialize CircleCI from template" ) .option("-r, --reload", "Reload pipeline source cache") .action(async function ({ template, reload }) { await generateCircleCIConfig(template, reload); }) ) .description("CircleCI integration") .action(function () { this.showHelp(); }) .command( "ap, azure", new Command() .command("init", "Initialize a new Azure Pipelines configuration") .option( "-t, --template <template>", "Initialize Azure Pipelines from template" ) .option("-r, --reload", "Reload pipeline source cache") .action(async function ({ template, reload }) { await generateAzurePipelinesConfig(template, reload); }) ) .description("Azure Pipelines integration") .action(function () { this.showHelp(); }) .command( "ac, aws", new Command() .command("init", "Initialize a new AWS CodePipeline configuration") .option( "-t, --template <template>", "Initialize AWS CodePipeline from template" ) .option("-r, --reload", "Reload pipeline source cache") .action(async function ({ template, reload }) { await generateAWSCodePipelineConfig(template, reload); }) ) .description("AWS CodePipeline integration") .action(function () { this.showHelp(); }) .command("docs, man", "Show documentation for a pipeline") .arguments("[pipeline:string]") .option("--gl, --gitlab", "Show GitLab CI documentation") .option("--gh, --github", "Show GitHub Actions documentation") .option("--cci, --circleci", "Show CircleCI documentation") .option("--ap, --azure", "Show Azure Pipelines documentation") .option("--ac, --aws", "Show AWS CodePipeline documentation") .action(async function (options, pipeline) { await docs(pipeline, options); }) .command("doctor", "Check if FluentCI CLI is installed correctly") .action(async function () { await doctor(); }) .command( "env", `Show environment variables (read from ${brightGreen( ".fluentci/.env" )} file)` ) .action(async function () { await showEnvs(); }) .command("login", "Login to FluentCI") .action(async function () { await login(); }) .command("publish", "Publish a pipeline to FluentCI Registry") .option("-w, --wasm", "Publish pipeline as WebAssembly Module") .action(async function (options) { await publish(options); }) .command( "agent", new Command() .command("list", "List all agents") .alias("ls") .action(async function () { await listAgents(); }) ) .description("Start FluentCI Runner Agent") .action(async function () { await startAgent(); }) .command("whoami", "Show current logged in user") .action(async function () { await whoami(); }) .command("repl", "Start FluentCI REPL") .arguments("[pipelines...:string]") .option("--debug", "Show more information for debugging") .action(async function (options, ...pipelines: [string, ...Array<string>]) { await repl(options, pipelines); }) .globalOption("--check-update <checkUpdate:boolean>", "check for update", { default: true, }) .globalAction(async (options: { checkUpdate: boolean }) => { await checkForUpdate(options); }) .parse(Deno.args);}
// Learn more at (import.meta.main) { main();}