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Discord API Wrapper for deno
import { ClientOptions } from "./@types/ClientOptions.ts";import { Collection } from "./Classes/Collection.ts";import { EventHandler } from "./handlers/_loader.ts";import { GatewayPayload } from "./@types/GatewayPayload.ts";import { Guild, UnavailableGuild } from "./Classes/Guild.ts";import { Metrics } from "./Classes/Metrics.ts";import { RequestHandler } from "./Classes/RequestHandler.ts";import { User } from "./Classes/User.ts";import { DISCORD_GATEWAY_URL } from "./constants.ts";
import { connectWebSocket, isWebSocketCloseEvent, WebSocket, WebSocketCloseEvent} from "";import * as colors from "";import EventEmitter from "";import { process } from "";
export class Client extends EventEmitter { ws: WebSocket | null = null; unavailableGuilds: UnavailableGuild[] = []; sessionId: string | null = null; options: ClientOptions; guilds: Collection<string, Guild> = new Collection(); metrics: Metrics = new Metrics(); ready = false; user: User | null = null; requesthandler = new RequestHandler(this); private interval?: number; private seq: number = 0; private lastHeartbeat: number = -1; private lastHeartbeatAck: number = -1; private eventHandler = new EventHandler(this); private connected = false;
constructor(options: ClientOptions) { super(); this.options = options; }
async request(path: string, method: string, body: any = null): Promise<any> { // @ts-ignore return this.requesthandler.request(method, path, body); }
async login() { return new Promise(async (resolve, reject) => { const now =;
//* Load all events await this.eventHandler.load(); = await connectWebSocket(DISCORD_GATEWAY_URL); for await (const message of { if (typeof message === "string") { if (!this.connected) { const difference = - now; this.debugLog( `WS connected (${ difference < 500 ? difference : difference < 1000 ? colors.yellow(difference.toString()) : }ms)!` ) ); resolve(); this.connected = true; }
await this.handle(JSON.parse(message)); } else if (isWebSocketCloseEvent(message)) { this.ready = false; this.connected = false; this.handleDisconnect(message, reject); } } }); }
private debugLog(...message: string[]) { if (this.options.debug) console.log( colors.white(colors.bold("FluffCord")), colors.cyan("-"), message.join(" ") ); }
private heartbeat() { this.lastHeartbeat =; JSON.stringify({ op: 1, d: this.seq ? this.seq : null } as GatewayPayload) ); }
private identify() { JSON.stringify({ op: 2, d: { token: this.options.token, properties: { $os: process.platform, $browser: "FluffCord", $device: "FluffCord" } } } as GatewayPayload) ); }
private async handle(payload: GatewayPayload) { switch (payload.op) { //* Dispatch case 0: { this.emit("raw", payload); await this.eventHandler.dispatch(payload); break; } //* Hello case 10: { this.debugLog( colors.magenta(`Heartbeating at ${payload.d.heartbeat_interval}ms!`) ); this.heartbeat(); this.identify(); this.interval = setInterval( this.heartbeat.bind(this), payload.d.heartbeat_interval ); break; } //* Heartbeat ACK case 11: { this.lastHeartbeatAck =;
const difference = this.lastHeartbeatAck - this.lastHeartbeat; this.debugLog( colors.magenta( `Received a heartbeat ACK, which took ${ difference < 500 ? : difference < 1000 ? colors.yellow(difference.toString()) : }ms!` ) ); break; } //* Reconnect case 7: { if (payload.d) { this.resume(); } else { this.reconnect(); } } } }
private handleDisconnect( message: WebSocketCloseEvent, reject: (reason?: any) => void ) { switch (message.code) { //* Custom discord close codes case 4003: return reject( "A payload was sent before the client could successfully identify!" ); case 4004: return reject("Invalid token provided!"); case 4005: return reject( "We've already sent an identify payload! Did you send another one?" ); case 4008: case 4009: return this.reconnect(); case 4011: return reject( "This client would have been handling too many guilds! Please increase the shard limit!" ); case 4013: return reject("An invalid intent was provided"); case 4014: return reject( "You specified an intent in which your client doesn't have access to!" ); //* Standard close codes case 1000: return this.emit("disconnect", 1000, "Normal closure"); case 1005: return this.emit("disconnect", 1005, "No status received"); case 1006: return this.emit( "disconnect", 1006, "Connection reset on behalf of server" ); default: return this.emit("disconnect", message.code, message.reason || "N/A"); } }
private resume() { this.debugLog(`Client is resuming with sequence ${this.seq}...`); this.emit("resuming"); JSON.stringify({ op: 6, d: { token: this.options.token, session_id: this.sessionId, seq: this.seq } }) ); }
private reconnect() { this.debugLog("Client is reconnecting..."); this.emit("reconnecting"); this.guilds.clear(); this.seq = 0; clearInterval(this.interval); this.lastHeartbeat = -1; this.lastHeartbeatAck = -1; this.unavailableGuilds = []; this.sessionId = null;; this.identify(); }
get ping() { return this.lastHeartbeatAck - this.lastHeartbeat; }}