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WebAssembly port of Rust's flate2, a Rust implementation of Deflate, Gzip, and Zlib compressions
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import { readFileSync, rmSync, writeFileSync } from "fs";
const wasm = readFileSync("./wasm/pkg/foras_bg.wasm");writeFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.wasm.js`, `export const wasm = "${wasm.toString("base64")}";`);writeFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.wasm.d.ts`, `export const wasm: string;`);
const script = readFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.js`, "utf8") .replace("export { initSync }", "export { init, initSync }") .replace("input = new URL('foras_bg.wasm', import.meta.url);", "throw new Error();")
const typing = readFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.d.ts`, "utf8") .replace("export default function init", "export function init")
writeFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.js`, script)writeFileSync(`./wasm/pkg/foras.d.ts`, typing)
rmSync(`./wasm/pkg/.gitignore`, { force: true });