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A deno function to run a callback forever, until manually cancelled.
function forever
import { forever } from "";

Run a function forever, until specifically cancelled.


// Imports
import forever from "";
import { Event } from "";

// Create an interrupted event.
const oninterrupt = new Event();

// Run a function forever without disturbing
// the current context.
const context = forever(async oncancel => {
    // Get the interrupt signal stream from Deno.
    const signal = Deno.signals.interrupt();
    // Subscribe for the cancel event and
    // dispose the signal stream when event is
    // fired.
    oncancel.subscribeOnce(() => signal.dispose());
    try {
        // Get the interruption events.
        for await (const _ of signal)
            // Fire the interruption event.
            await oninterrupt.dispatch();
    } catch (error) { }

// In case the forever function throws, listen
// for any errors by subscribing to the error
// event.

// Subscribe to the interruption event.
oninterrupt.subscribe(async () => {
    // Print out that the program was interrupted.
    // Just for testing, set a timeout for 2
    // seconds to cancel the forever function.
    setTimeout(async () => {
        // Cancel.
        await context.cancel();
    }, 2000);

Type Parameters

Arguments extends any[]


The function to run forever.

...args: Arguments

The arguments to pass to the function each time it is called.