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Weighted gacha system
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export interface RawGachaData { tier: number; featured?: boolean; result: any; chance: number;}
export interface GachaData { tier: number; result: any; chance: number;}
export interface GachaChoice { result: any; chance: number;}
export interface GachaTier { items: number; chance: number; tier: number;}
export class GachaMachine { items: Array<GachaData>; tiers: GachaTier[]; pool: Array<number>; rawItems: Array<GachaData>; /** * A gacha system * @param {Array} items - Array of items featured in the gacha * @param {Array} pool - Array of tiers featured in the gacha */ constructor(items: Array<RawGachaData>, pool: Array<number> = [1]) { this.items = []; this.tiers = []; this.pool = pool; this.rawItems = items; this.configItems(items); this.configTiers(items); } configItems(items: Array<RawGachaData>) { items = items.sort((a, b) => a.tier - b.tier); if (items.some((x) => x.featured)) { items = => ({ chance: x.featured ? (x.chance + 1) : x.chance, featured: x.featured, result: x.result, tier: x.tier, })); } this.items = items; return items; } configTiers(items: Array<RawGachaData>) { let tiers: GachaTier[] = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.pool.length; ++i) { tiers[this.pool[i]] = { items: 0, chance: 0, tier: this.pool[i] }; } for (let i = items.length; i > 0; --i) { if (!this.pool.includes(items[i - 1].tier)) continue; tiers[items[i - 1].tier].items += 1; tiers[items[i - 1].tier].chance += items[i - 1].chance; } let tierList = []; for (let i in tiers) { tierList.push(tiers[i]); } this.tiers = tierList; return tierList; } get(num = 1, detailed = false) { let result = []; for (let i = num; i > 0; --i) { result.push(this._get(detailed)); } return result; } _get(detailed = false) { let tier = this._roll( => ({ chance: x.chance, result: x.tier })), ); const result = this._roll(this.items.filter((x) => x.tier == tier.result)); return detailed ? result : result.result; } _roll(choices: Array<GachaChoice>): GachaChoice { let filteredChoices = []; let total = 0.0; for (let i = 0; i < choices.length; ++i) { if (choices[i].chance > 0.0) { filteredChoices.push(choices[i]); total += choices[i].chance; } } let result = Math.random() * total; let going = 0.0; for (let i = 0; i < filteredChoices.length; ++i) { going += filteredChoices[i].chance; if (result < going) { return filteredChoices[i]; } } return filteredChoices[Math.floor(Math.random() * filteredChoices.length)]; } static createItem( result: any, chance = 1, tier = 1, featured = false, ): RawGachaData { return { result, chance, tier, featured }; }}
export {GachaMachine as Fortuna}export {GachaMachine as default}