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Weighted gacha system
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export interface GachaData<ItemType> { result: ItemType; chance: number; tier?: number;}
export interface GachaChoice<ItemType> { result: ItemType; chance: number;}
export interface ComputedGachaData<ItemType> { result: ItemType; cumulativeChance: number; cumulativeChanceInTier: number; tier: number;}
export interface ComputedTierData { totalChance: number; items: number; tier: number;}
export class GachaMachine<ItemType> { items: ComputedGachaData<ItemType>[]; tiers: ComputedTierData[]; maxTier: number; totalChance: number; pool: number[]; constructor(items: GachaData<ItemType>[]) { this.items = []; this.tiers = []; this.pool = []; this.maxTier = 1; this.totalChance = 0; this.#configTiers(items); this.#configItems(items); } #configTiers(items: GachaData<ItemType>[]) { let i = 0; const tiers = new Set<number>(); while (i < items.length) { tiers.add(items[i].tier || 1); i += 1; } for (const tier of tiers) { if (tier > this.maxTier) this.maxTier = tier; } const itemsInTier = new Uint8Array(this.maxTier + 1); const totalChanceInTier = new Uint8Array(this.maxTier + 1); i = 0; while (i < items.length) { Atomics.add(itemsInTier, items[i].tier || 1, 1); Atomics.add(totalChanceInTier, items[i].tier || 1, items[i].chance); i += 1; } for (const tier of tiers) { this.tiers.push({ tier: tier, totalChance: totalChanceInTier[tier], items: itemsInTier[tier], }); } this.pool = Array.from(tiers); } #configItems(items: GachaData<ItemType>[]) { let i = 0; let cumulativeChance = 0; const cumulativeChanceInTier = new Uint8Array(this.maxTier + 1); while (i < items.length) { this.items.push({ result: items[i].result, cumulativeChance: cumulativeChance, cumulativeChanceInTier: Atomics.add( cumulativeChanceInTier, items[i].tier || 1, items[i].chance, ), tier: items[i].tier || 1, }); cumulativeChance += items[i].chance; i += 1; } this.totalChance = cumulativeChance; } get(count = 1): ItemType[] { const result = []; let i = 0; while (i < count) { result.push(this.#roll()); i += 1; } return result; } #roll(): ItemType { if (this.items.length === 1) return this.items[0].result; const rng = Math.random() * this.totalChance; let lower = 0; let max = this.items.length - 1; let mid = Math.floor((max + lower) / 2); while ( !(this.items[mid].cumulativeChance > rng && this.items[mid - 1].cumulativeChance < rng) && this.items[mid].cumulativeChance !== rng && mid != 0 && lower <= max ) { // console.log(this.items[mid].cumulativeChance, this.items[mid-1].cumulativeChance, rng) // console.log(rng, mid) if (this.items[mid].cumulativeChance < rng) { // console.log("le", max, lower, mid) // if(mid === 150) throw new Error("!%)") lower = mid + 1; mid = Math.floor((max + lower) / 2); } else { // console.log("mo", max, lower, mid)
max = mid - 1; mid = Math.floor((max + lower) / 2); } } return this.items[mid].result; }}