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👻 Tiny Footprint Concurrent UI library for Fiber.
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import { h, useLayout } from '../src/index'import { testUpdates } from './test-util'
export const change = async t => { let effects = []
const effect = value => { effects.push(`effect ${value}`)
return () => { effects.push(`cleanUp ${value}`) } }
const Component = ({ deps }) => { useLayout(() => effect(deps[0]), deps) effects = []
return <div>foo</div> }
await testUpdates([ { content: <Component deps={[0]} />, test: () => { t.eq(effects, ['effect 0']) } }, { content: <Component deps={[1]} />, test: () => { t.eq(effects, ['cleanUp 0', 'effect 1']) } }, { content: <Component deps={[1]} />, test: () => { t.eq(effects, []) } }, { content: <div>removed</div>, test: () => { t.eq(effects, ['cleanUp 1']) } } ])}
export const once = async (t) => { let effects = []
const effect = () => { effects.push(`effect`)
return () => { effects.push(`cleanUp`) } }
const Component = () => { effects = [] useLayout(effect, [])
return <div>foo</div> }
await testUpdates([ { content: <Component />, test: () => { t.eq(effects, ['effect']) } }, { content: <Component count={0} />, test: () => { t.eq(effects, []) } }, { content: <div>removed</div>, test: () => { t.eq(effects, ['cleanUp']) } } ])}
export const every = async t => { let effects = []
const effect = value => { effects.push(`effect ${value}`)
return () => { effects.push(`cleanUp ${value}`) } } const Component = ({ value }) => { effects = [] useLayout(() => effect(value))
return <div>foo</div> }
await testUpdates([ { content: <Component value={0} />, test: () => { t.eq(effects, ['effect 0']) } }, { content: <Component value={1} />, test: () => { t.eq(effects, ['cleanUp 0', 'effect 1']) } }, { content: <Component value={2} />, test: () => { t.eq(effects, ['cleanUp 1', 'effect 2']) effects = [] } }, { content: <div>removed</div>, test: () => { t.eq(effects, ['cleanUp 2']) } } ])}