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The next-gen web framework.
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/** @jsx h *//** @jsxFrag Fragment */import { ComponentChildren, Fragment, h } from "preact";import { asset, Head } from "$fresh/runtime.ts";import { Handlers, PageProps } from "$fresh/server.ts";import { tw } from "@twind";import Counter from "../islands/Counter.tsx";import LemonDrop from "../islands/LemonDrop.tsx";import Footer from "../components/Footer.tsx";import WarningBanner from "../components/WarningBanner.tsx";import { Leaf } from "../components/Icons.tsx";import VERSIONS from "../../versions.json" assert { type: "json" };
export const handler: Handlers = { GET(req, ctx) { const accept = req.headers.get("accept"); if (accept && !accept.includes("text/html")) { const path = `${VERSIONS[0]}/init.ts`; return new Response(`Redirecting to ${path}`, { headers: { "Location": path }, status: 307, }); } return ctx.render(); },};
const TITLE = "fresh - The next-gen web framework.";const DESCRIPTION = "Just in time edge rendering, island based interactivity, and no configuration TypeScript support using Deno.";
export default function MainPage(props: PageProps) { const ogImageUrl = new URL(asset("/home-og.png"), props.url).href; const origin = `${props.url.protocol}//${}`;
return ( <> <Head> <title>{TITLE}</title> <meta name="description" content={DESCRIPTION} /> <meta property="og:title" content={TITLE} /> <meta property="og:description" content={DESCRIPTION} /> <meta property="og:type" content="website" /> <meta property="og:url" content={props.url.href} /> <meta property="og:image" content={ogImageUrl} /> </Head> <div class={tw`flex flex-col min-h-screen`}> <Hero /> <div class={tw`flex-1`}> <Intro /> <GettingStarted origin={origin} /> <Example /> </div> <Footer /> </div> </> );}
function Hero() { const container = tw `w-full flex justify-center items-center flex-col bg-green-300`; const nav = tw`flex justify-end items-center bg-green-300`; const a = tw `border(1 black) inline-flex items-center h-10 px-4 m-4 text-black bg-transparent rounded hover:bg-white`;
return ( <Fragment> <div class={nav}> <a href="/docs" class={a}> Documentation </a> </div> <section class={container}> <LemonDrop /> </section> </Fragment> );}export interface ListItemProps { children: ComponentChildren;}
function ListItem(props: ListItemProps) { return ( <div class={tw`flex mt-3`}> <Leaf /> <div class={tw`pl-4 flex-1`}> {props.children} </div> </div> );}
function Intro() { const title = tw `py-4 text(4xl sm:4xl lg:4xl gray-900 center) sm:tracking-tight font-extrabold`;
return ( <section class={tw`max-w-screen-sm mx-auto my-16 px(4 sm:6 md:8) space-y-4`} > <picture> <img src="/illustration/lemon-squash.svg" class={tw`w-64 mx-auto`} width={800} height={678} alt="deno is drinking fresh lemon squash" /> </picture>
<h2 class={title}> The next-gen web framework. </h2>
<p class={tw`text-gray-600`}> Fresh is a next generation web framework, built for speed, reliability, and simplicity. Some stand out features: </p>
<div> <ListItem> <b>Just-in-time rendering</b> on the edge. </ListItem> <ListItem> <b>Island based client hydration</b> for maximum interactivity. </ListItem> <ListItem> <b>Zero runtime overhead</b>: no JS is shipped to the client by default. </ListItem> <ListItem> <b>No build step</b>. </ListItem> <ListItem> <b>No configuration</b> necessary. </ListItem> <ListItem> <b>TypeScript support</b> out of the box. </ListItem> </div>
<p class={tw`text-gray-600`}> Fresh embraces the tried and true design of server side rendering and progressive enhancement on the client side. </p> </section> );}
function GettingStarted(props: { origin: string }) { return ( <section class={tw`max-w-screen-sm mx-auto my-16 px(4 sm:6 md:8) space-y-4`} > <h2 id="getting-started" class={tw`text(xl gray-600) font-bold`}> <a href="#getting-started" class={tw`hover:underline`}> Getting started </a> </h2> <WarningBanner /> <p class={tw`text-gray-600`}> To get started, make sure you have the{" "} <a href="" class={tw`text-blue-600 hover:underline`}> Deno CLI </a>{" "} version 1.23.0 or higher installed. </p> <p class={tw`text-gray-600`}> Then you can use the Fresh init script to bootstrap a new project: </p> <pre class={tw`overflow-x-auto py-2 px-4 bg(gray-100)`}> {`deno run -A -r ${props.origin} my-app`} </pre> <p class={tw`text-gray-600`}> Enter the newly created project directory and run the following command to start the development server: </p> <pre class={tw`overflow-x-auto py-2 px-4 bg(gray-100)`}> deno task start </pre> <p class={tw`text-gray-600`}> You can now open{" "} <a href="http://localhost:8000" class={tw`text-blue-600 hover:underline`} > http://localhost:8000 </a>{" "} in your browser to view the page. </p> <p class={tw`text-gray-600`}> A more in-depth getting started guide is available in{" "} <a href="/docs" class={tw`text-blue-600 hover:underline`}>the docs</a>. </p> </section> );}
const timeFmt = new Intl.DateTimeFormat("en-US", { timeStyle: "long", hour12: false,});
function Example() { return ( <section class={tw`max-w-screen-sm mx-auto my-16 px(4 sm:6 md:8) space-y-4`} > <h2 id="example" class={tw`text(xl gray-600) font-bold`}> <a href="#example" class={tw`hover:underline`}> Example </a> </h2> <p class={tw`text-gray-600`}> This text is being server side rendered on the fly. It was rendered at {" "} {timeFmt.format(new Date())}. </p> <p class={tw`text-gray-600`}> The counter below was rendered on the server with a starting value of 3, and was then hydrated on the client to provide interactivity. Try out the buttons! </p> <Counter start={3} /> <p class={tw`text-gray-600`}> Only the JS required to render that counter is sent to the client. </p> </section> );}