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import RAW_TOC from "../../docs/toc.json" assert { type: "json" };
type RawTableOfContents = Record<string, RawTableOfContentsEntry>;
interface RawTableOfContentsEntry { title: string; pages?: [string, string][];}
export interface TableOfContentsEntry { slug: string; title: string; category?: string; href: string; file: string;}
export interface TableOfContentsCategory { title: string; href: string; entries: TableOfContentsCategoryEntry[];}
export interface TableOfContentsCategoryEntry { title: string; href: string;}
export const TABLE_OF_CONTENTS: Record<string, TableOfContentsEntry> = {};export const CATEGORIES: TableOfContentsCategory[] = [];
for (const parent in (RAW_TOC as unknown as RawTableOfContents)) { const rawEntry = (RAW_TOC as unknown as RawTableOfContents)[parent]; const href = `/docs/${parent}`; const file = `docs/${parent}/`; const entry = { slug: parent, title: rawEntry.title, href, file, }; TABLE_OF_CONTENTS[parent] = entry; const category: TableOfContentsCategory = { title: rawEntry.title, href, entries: [], }; CATEGORIES.push(category); if (rawEntry.pages) { for (const [id, title] of rawEntry.pages) { const slug = `${parent}/${id}`; const href = `/docs/${slug}`; const file = `docs/${slug}.md`; const entry = { slug, title, category: parent, href, file }; TABLE_OF_CONTENTS[slug] = entry; category.entries.push({ title, href, }); } }}
export const SLUGS = Object.keys(TABLE_OF_CONTENTS);