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import { virtualSheet } from "twind/sheets";import { Plugin } from "../server.ts";
import { Options, setup, STYLE_ELEMENT_ID } from "./twind/shared.ts";export type { Options };
export default function twind(options: Options): Plugin { const sheet = virtualSheet(); setup(options, sheet); const main = `data:application/javascript,import hydrate from "${ new URL("./twind/main.ts", import.meta.url).href }";import options from "${options.selfURL}";export default function(state) { hydrate(options, state); }`; return { name: "twind", entrypoints: { "main": main }, render(ctx) { sheet.reset(undefined); const res = ctx.render(); const cssText = [].join("\n"); const snapshot = sheet.reset(); const scripts = []; if (res.requiresHydration) { const precedences = snapshot[1]; const mappings: (string | [string, string])[] = []; for ( const [key, value] of (snapshot[3] as Map<string, string>).entries() ) { if (key === value) { mappings.push(key); } else { mappings.push([key, value]); } } const state = [precedences, mappings]; scripts.push({ entrypoint: "main", state }); } return { scripts, styles: [{ cssText, id: STYLE_ELEMENT_ID }], }; }, };}