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import { ComponentType, h, options, render } from "preact";import { assetHashingHook } from "./utils.ts";
function createRootFragment( parent: Element, replaceNode: Node | Node[],) { replaceNode = ([] as Node[]).concat(replaceNode); const s = replaceNode[replaceNode.length - 1].nextSibling; function insert(c: Node, r: Node) { parent.insertBefore(c, r || s); } // @ts-ignore this is fine return parent.__k = { nodeType: 1, parentNode: parent, firstChild: replaceNode[0], childNodes: replaceNode, insertBefore: insert, appendChild: insert, removeChild: function (c: Node) { parent.removeChild(c); }, };}
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyexport function revive(islands: Record<string, ComponentType>, props: any[]) { function walk(node: Node | null) { const tag = node!.nodeType === 8 && ((node as Comment).data.match(/^\s*frsh-(.*)\s*$/) || [])[1]; let endNode: Node | null = null; if (tag) { const startNode = node!; const children = []; const parent = node!.parentNode; // collect all children of the island while ((node = node!.nextSibling) && node.nodeType !== 8) { children.push(node); } startNode.parentNode!.removeChild(startNode); // remove start tag node
const [id, n] = tag.split(":"); render( h(islands[id], props[Number(n)]), createRootFragment( parent! as HTMLElement, children, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ) as any as HTMLElement, ); endNode = node; }
const sib = node!.nextSibling; const fc = node!.firstChild; if (endNode) { endNode.parentNode?.removeChild(endNode); // remove end tag node }
if (sib) walk(sib); if (fc) walk(fc); } walk(document.body);}
const originalHook = options.vnode;options.vnode = (vnode) => { assetHashingHook(vnode); if (originalHook) originalHook(vnode);};