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import { ServerContext, Status } from "../server.ts";import { REFRESH_JS_URL } from "../src/server/constants.ts";import { assert, assertEquals, assertStringIncludes } from "./deps.ts";import manifest from "./fixture_error/fresh.gen.ts";
const ctx = await ServerContext.fromManifest(manifest, {});const handler = ctx.handler();const router = (req: Request) => { return handler(req, { localAddr: { transport: "tcp", hostname: "", port: 80, }, remoteAddr: { transport: "tcp", hostname: "", port: 80, }, });};
Deno.test("error page rendered", async () => { const resp = await router(new Request("")); assert(resp); assertEquals(resp.status, Status.InternalServerError); assertEquals(resp.headers.get("content-type"), "text/html; charset=utf-8"); const body = await resp.text(); assertStringIncludes( body, `An error occurred during route handling or page rendering.`, ); assertStringIncludes(body, `Error: boom!`); assertStringIncludes(body, `at render`);});Deno.test("refresh.js rendered", async () => { const resp = await router( new Request("" + REFRESH_JS_URL), ); assert(resp); assertEquals(resp.status, Status.OK); assertEquals( resp.headers.get("content-type"), "application/javascript; charset=utf-8", );});