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import { TextLineStream } from "./deps.ts";
export async function startFreshServer(options: Deno.CommandOptions) { const serverProcess = new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { ...options, stdin: "null", stdout: "piped", stderr: "inherit", }).spawn();
const decoder = new TextDecoderStream(); const lines: ReadableStream<string> = serverProcess.stdout .pipeThrough(decoder) .pipeThrough(new TextLineStream(), { preventCancel: true, });
let address = ""; for await (const line of lines) { const match = line.match(/https?:\/\/localhost:\d+/g); if (match) { address = match[0]; break; } } if (!address) { throw new Error("Server didn't start up"); }
return { serverProcess, lines, address };}