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The next-gen web framework.
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import { LayoutConfig } from "$fresh/server.ts";import { ComponentChildren } from "preact";import { ServerContext } from "./context.ts";export { Status } from "./deps.ts";import { colors, serve } from "./deps.ts";import { ErrorHandler, Handler, Handlers, IslandModule, MiddlewareModule, RouteConfig, ServeHandler, ServeHandlerInfo, StartOptions, UnknownHandler,} from "./types.ts";export { defineApp, defineConfig, defineLayout, defineRoute,} from "./defines.ts";export type { AppContext, AppProps, ErrorHandler, ErrorHandlerContext, ErrorPageProps, FreshOptions, Handler, HandlerContext, Handlers, LayoutConfig, LayoutContext, LayoutProps, MiddlewareHandler, MiddlewareHandlerContext, MultiHandler, PageProps, Plugin, PluginAsyncRenderContext, PluginAsyncRenderFunction, PluginRenderContext, PluginRenderFunction, PluginRenderFunctionResult, PluginRenderResult, PluginRenderScripts, PluginRenderStyleTag, RenderFunction, RouteConfig, RouteContext, ServeHandlerInfo, StartOptions, UnknownHandler, UnknownHandlerContext, UnknownPageProps,} from "./types.ts";export { RenderContext } from "./render.ts";export type { InnerRenderFunction } from "./render.ts";
export interface Manifest { routes: Record< string, { // Use a more loose route definition type because // TS has trouble inferring normal vs aync functions. It cannot infer based on function arity default?: ( // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any propsOrRequest: any, // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ctx: any, ) => Promise<ComponentChildren | Response> | ComponentChildren; // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any handler?: Handler<any, any> | Handlers<any, any> | UnknownHandler; config?: RouteConfig | LayoutConfig | ErrorHandler; } | MiddlewareModule >; islands: Record<string, IslandModule>; baseUrl: string;}
export interface DenoConfig { imports?: Record<string, string>; importMap?: string; tasks?: Record<string, string>; compilerOptions?: { jsx?: string; jsxImportSource?: string; };}
export { ServerContext };
export async function createHandler( routes: Manifest, opts: StartOptions = {},): Promise< (req: Request, connInfo?: ServeHandlerInfo) => Promise<Response>> { const ctx = await ServerContext.fromManifest(routes, opts); return ctx.handler();}
export async function start(routes: Manifest, opts: StartOptions = {}) { const ctx = await ServerContext.fromManifest(routes, opts);
if (!opts.onListen) { opts.onListen = (params) => { console.log(); console.log( colors.bgRgb8(" 🍋 Fresh ready ")), 121), );
const address = colors.cyan(`http://localhost:${params.port}/`); const localLabel = colors.bold("Local:"); console.log(` ${localLabel} ${address}\n`); }; }
const portEnv = Deno.env.get("PORT"); if (portEnv !== undefined) { opts.port ??= parseInt(portEnv, 10); }
const handler = ctx.handler();
if (opts.port) { await bootServer(handler, opts); } else { // No port specified, check for a free port. Instead of picking just // any port we'll check if the next one is free for UX reasons. // That way the user only needs to increment a number when running // multiple apps vs having to remember completely different ports. let firstError; for (let port = 8000; port < 8020; port++) { try { await bootServer(handler, { ...opts, port }); firstError = undefined; break; } catch (err) { if (err instanceof Deno.errors.AddrInUse) { // Throw first EADDRINUSE error // if no port is free if (!firstError) { firstError = err; } continue; }
throw err; } }
if (firstError) { throw firstError; } }}
async function bootServer(handler: ServeHandler, opts: StartOptions) { // @ts-ignore Ignore type error when type checking with Deno versions if (typeof Deno.serve === "function") { // @ts-ignore Ignore type error when type checking with Deno versions await Deno.serve(opts, handler).finished; } else { // @ts-ignore Deprecated std serve way await serve(handler, opts); }}