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import { colors, join } from "../src/server/deps.ts";import { assertEquals, assertMatch, assertNotMatch,} from "$std/testing/asserts.ts";import versions from "../versions.json" assert { type: "json" };import { CheckFile } from "$fresh/src/dev/update_check.ts";import { WEEK } from "$fresh/src/dev/deps.ts";
Deno.test({ name: "stores update check file in $HOME/fresh", async fn() { const tmpDirName = await Deno.makeTempDir(); const filePath = join(tmpDirName, "latest.json");
await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["run", "-A", "./tests/fixture_update_check/mod.ts"], env: { CI: "false", HOME: tmpDirName, }, }).output();
const text = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(filePath)); assertEquals(text, { current_version: versions[0], latest_version: "99.99.999", last_checked: text.last_checked, });
await Deno.remove(tmpDirName, { recursive: true }); },});
Deno.test({ name: "skips update check on specific environment variables", async fn(t) { const envs = ["FRESH_NO_UPDATE_CHECK", "CI", "DENO_DEPLOYMENT_ID"];
for (const env of envs) { await t.step(`checking ${env}`, async () => { const tmpDirName = await Deno.makeTempDir(); const out = await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["run", "-A", "./tests/fixture_update_check/mod.ts"], env: { [env]: "true", HOME: tmpDirName, LATEST_VERSION: "1.30.0", }, }).output();
const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const stdout = colors.stripColor(decoder.decode(out.stdout)); assertNotMatch(stdout, /Fresh 1\.30\.0 is available/);
await Deno.remove(tmpDirName, { recursive: true }); }); } },});
Deno.test({ name: "shows update message on version mismatch", async fn() { const tmpDirName = await Deno.makeTempDir(); const filePath = join(tmpDirName, "latest.json");
await Deno.writeTextFile( filePath, JSON.stringify({ current_version: "1.1.0", latest_version: "1.1.0", last_checked: new Date(0).toISOString(), }), );
const out = await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["run", "-A", "./tests/fixture_update_check/mod.ts"], env: { CI: "false", HOME: tmpDirName, LATEST_VERSION: "999.999.0", }, }).output();
const decoder = new TextDecoder();
const stdout = colors.stripColor(decoder.decode(out.stdout)); assertMatch(stdout, /Fresh 999\.999\.0 is available/);
// Updates check file const text = JSON.parse(await Deno.readTextFile(filePath)); assertEquals(text, { current_version: versions[0], latest_version: "999.999.0", last_checked: text.last_checked, });
await Deno.remove(tmpDirName, { recursive: true }); }, sanitizeResources: false,});
Deno.test({ name: "only fetch new version defined by interval", async fn(t) { const tmpDirName = await Deno.makeTempDir(); const decoder = new TextDecoder();
await t.step("fetches latest version initially", async () => { const out = await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["run", "-A", "./tests/fixture_update_check/mod.ts"], env: { CI: "false", UPDATE_INTERVAL: "100000", HOME: tmpDirName, LATEST_VERSION: "1.30.0", }, }).output();
const stdout = colors.stripColor(decoder.decode(out.stdout)); assertMatch(stdout, /fetching latest version/); });
await t.step("should not fetch if interval has not passed", async () => { const out = await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["run", "-A", "./tests/fixture_update_check/mod.ts"], env: { CI: "false", UPDATE_INTERVAL: "100000", HOME: tmpDirName, LATEST_VERSION: "1.30.0", }, }).output();
const stdout = colors.stripColor(decoder.decode(out.stdout)); assertNotMatch(stdout, /fetching latest version/); });
await t.step("fetches if interval has passed", async () => { const out = await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["run", "-A", "./tests/fixture_update_check/mod.ts"], env: { CI: "false", UPDATE_INTERVAL: "1 ", HOME: tmpDirName, LATEST_VERSION: "1.30.0", }, }).output();
const stdout = colors.stripColor(decoder.decode(out.stdout)); assertMatch(stdout, /fetching latest version/); });
await Deno.remove(tmpDirName, { recursive: true }); },});
Deno.test({ name: "updates current version in cache file", async fn() { const tmpDirName = await Deno.makeTempDir();
const checkFile: CheckFile = { current_version: "1.2.0", latest_version: "1.2.0", last_checked: new Date( - WEEK).toISOString(), };
await Deno.writeTextFile( join(tmpDirName, "latest.json"), JSON.stringify(checkFile, null, 2), );
const out = await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["run", "-A", "./tests/fixture_update_check/mod.ts"], env: { HOME: tmpDirName, LATEST_VERSION: versions[0], }, }).output();
const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const stdout = colors.stripColor(decoder.decode(out.stdout)); assertNotMatch(stdout, /Fresh .* is available/);
await Deno.remove(tmpDirName, { recursive: true }); },});
Deno.test({ name: "only shows update message when current < latest", async fn() { const tmpDirName = await Deno.makeTempDir();
const checkFile: CheckFile = { current_version: "9999.999.0", latest_version: "1.2.0", last_checked: new Date().toISOString(), };
await Deno.writeTextFile( join(tmpDirName, "latest.json"), JSON.stringify(checkFile, null, 2), );
const out = await new Deno.Command(Deno.execPath(), { args: ["run", "-A", "./tests/fixture_update_check/mod.ts"], env: { HOME: tmpDirName, LATEST_VERSION: versions[0], CURRENT_VERSION: "99999.9999.00", }, }).output();
const decoder = new TextDecoder(); const stdout = colors.stripColor(decoder.decode(out.stdout)); assertNotMatch(stdout, /Fresh .* is available/);
await Deno.remove(tmpDirName, { recursive: true }); },});