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import { assertNotSelector, assertSelector, assertTextMany, fetchHtml, withFresh,} from "$fresh/tests/test_utils.ts";
Deno.test("doesn't apply internal app template", async () => { await withFresh( "./tests/fixture_explicit_app/main.ts", async (address) => { const doc = await fetchHtml(`${address}`);
// Doesn't render internal app template assertNotSelector(doc, "body body");
assertSelector(doc, "html > head"); assertSelector(doc, "html > body"); assertSelector(doc, `meta[charset="utf-8"]`); assertSelector( doc, `meta[name="viewport"][content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"]`, ); assertTextMany(doc, "title", ["fresh title"]);
// Still renders page assertSelector(doc, "body > .inner-body > .page"); }, );});
Deno.test("user _app works with <Head>", async () => { await withFresh( "./tests/fixture_explicit_app/main.ts", async (address) => { const doc = await fetchHtml(`${address}/head`);
// Doesn't render internal app template assertNotSelector(doc, "body body");
assertSelector(doc, "html > head"); assertSelector(doc, "html > body"); assertSelector(doc, `meta[charset="utf-8"]`); assertSelector( doc, `meta[name="viewport"][content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"]`, ); assertSelector( doc, `meta[name="fresh"][content="test"]`, );
// Still renders page assertSelector(doc, "body > .inner-body > .page"); }, );});
Deno.test("don't duplicate <title>", async () => { await withFresh( "./tests/fixture_explicit_app/main.ts", async (address) => { const doc = await fetchHtml(`${address}/title`); assertTextMany(doc, "title", ["foo bar"]); }, );});